1 2013-04-13 18:58:25

There's a number of discs in the database with text like "MADE IN GERMANY BY UNIVERSAL M & L", or "MADE IN GERMANY BY PMDC", etc. It's usually listed as being part of the additional mould text. But I have one of these (an audio disc), and it has a reflective section where the transparent mould part would usually go, and the "MADE IN GERMANY" text is on the reflective part. I.e. it seems to have been added at the mastering stage. The mould SID code seems to be on a different layer and is much more difficult to read.

Is it the same with the other "MADE IN GERMANY" discs? What about the "UEP-CD Лицензия МПТР России ВАФ № 77-15" text that some Russian discs have, and similar things from other manufacturers? Could someone post a photo?