1 2013-04-09 17:09:50

I am working on getting a PS3 setup with OtherOS++ so I can get the metadata for the ISOs. I'm running into a stumbling block that I could use some help on.

I found the instructions for getting OtherOS++ installed and I was able to successfully make a backup of the NOR with memdemp and dump of the flash with multiMAN.

Now the question is, do you need to be on 3.55 to install OtherOS++?

The dilemma is this PS3 is currently on 4.21 (I'm not entirely sure which flavor). This PS3 has been a guinea pig and has gone from Kmeaw 3.55 CFW, to Rogero CEX 4.30 v2.05 to Cobra-USB FW v6 to now 4.21 (I am not entirely sure which flavor or how it even got there; been a while since I've touched this PS3).

It seems to accept installing packages so whatever flavor of 4.21 it is, it seems to be working ok, but I am not having any luck going back to 3.55 or going to a Rogero firmware (getting errors either way).

Any help would be appreciated as I'm would love to get these dumps going.


2 2013-04-09 19:54:54 (edited by Jackal 2013-04-09 19:59:29)

AFAIK you need to be on 3.55 OFW first.. I guess you can downgrade from factory service mode, so get a dongle or try non-dongle method (e.g. http://psx-scene.com/forums/content/fac … tion-1922/ or http://brandonw.net/psp/ps3jig/)

3 2013-04-09 21:32:23

I found a way back to Rogero CEX-3.55 v3.7. Now I'll try and get it on OFW 3.55 and give OtherOS++ a shot!

4 2013-04-09 22:34:52 (edited by gamecaptor 2013-04-09 22:42:12)

Success! So, now that I have PS3 Linux running, um, now what. I've never touched Linux, so once it loads me in the petitboot shell, what's next? I have the GetKey file, but where and what do I do with it?

5 2013-04-09 23:36:29

When in petitboot exit to shell. You're now in a basic linux commandline. You need to navigate to the directory containing GetKey, which is on a usb stick. Two commands you need are ls (to list the files in the current directory) and cd (to change the current directory), read up on them if unfamiliar.
Do this:

cd /tmp/petitboot/mnt

Some files are listed, one of which should be the usb stick (likely usb names are something like sda1 sdb1 etc). Try them all by going in and listing them until you find your stick. Then you just put a disc in and do this:

./GetKey 3Dump.bin >output.txt

This dumps the disc key, disc id and pic and puts it into file output.txt in the same directory as getkey. You could also grab the full pic if you'd like by doing this:

./GetKey 3Dump.bin big.pic >output.txt

output.txt is the same as before, what's new is big.pic, which is the full pic. It's not required by redump, but it doesn't take much to store it, and who knows it may be useful later.

But before you do any of that, you need 3Dump.bin and put it in same directory as GetKey (easiest is both in root of usb stick), get it by running a pkg as described in the guide.

PS3Dec (decrypt ps3 images), PS3DumpCheck (check integrity), GetKey (dump PS3 metadata), DatSplit (split redump dats), GPack (compress related images together)

6 2013-04-10 00:22:10

AH-HA! I'm almost there! So here is where I'm at:

root@ps3-linux:/temp/petitboot/mnt/sda1/GetKey# GetKey 3Dump.bin >output.txt
/bin/ash: can't create output.txt: Read-only file system
/bin/ash: GetKey: not found

If I do a ls in the GetKey director it shows:
3Dump.bin   GetKey

So close I can taste it...and it tastes like victory!

7 2013-04-10 00:34:00 (edited by jamjam 2013-04-10 00:41:05)

Try reading this thread, ol had the same problem (the usb stick was mounted as read only): http://forum.redump.org/post/43338/#p43338

edit: And you should write ./GetKey not GetKey (you need to execute by path, ./ means relative to where you are now, GetKey can't be executed like cd and ls because it's not in the PATH)

PS3Dec (decrypt ps3 images), PS3DumpCheck (check integrity), GetKey (dump PS3 metadata), DatSplit (split redump dats), GPack (compress related images together)

8 2013-04-10 01:11:14

Does this look right?

GetKey r2
Load keys
Test unit ready: return value of ioctl indicates success
Read pic: return value of ioctl indicates success
get dec key
  establish session keys:
    do send key: return value of ioctl indicates success
    do report key: return value of ioctl indicates success
    calculate session keys
    do send key: return value of ioctl indicates success
  get data
    do unknown e1:
    unknown e1 cdb: e1005400e1349bfeae77479b
    return value of ioctl indicates success
    do unknown e0:     unknown e0 cdb: e00034000dab640312a47c3a
    return value of ioctl indicates success
get_dec_key succeeded!

disc_key = 60b5bf3fa5567a56f389287ead01f251

disc_id = 00000000000000ff00020003XXXXXXXX

SUCCESS: Everything was correctly dumped.

9 2013-04-10 01:18:39

Yes, you're good to go  big_smile

You'll know if something went wrong because it will say WARNING instead of SUCCESS at the end.

PS3Dec (decrypt ps3 images), PS3DumpCheck (check integrity), GetKey (dump PS3 metadata), DatSplit (split redump dats), GPack (compress related images together)

10 2013-04-10 01:35:46 (edited by gamecaptor 2013-04-10 19:09:17)

BO-YA! So my complete task looks like this (for others who might run into this problem):

root@ps3-linux:/# mount /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sda1 -o rw,remount
warning: can't open /etc/fstab: No such file or directory (I ignore this warning as it does show rw after the command)
root@ps3-linux:/# cd /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sda1/GetKey
root@ps3-linux:/tmp/petitboot/mnt/sda1/GetKey# ./GetKey 3Dump.bin big.pic >output.txt

Thank you all for the help! Now I have a few follow up questions.

1. Is there a way to eject the Blu-ray from the drive so I do not need to go back into the PS3 OS (I notice the eject button doesn't work in PS3 Linux).
2. When I do a "reboot" command the PS3 complains "The system was not turned off properly the last time it was used". Is this normal?
3. How will this be used to verify ISO dumps; Is there a way for the .dats to verify this info in ISO?

11 2013-04-10 09:21:34

gamecaptor wrote:

1. Is there a way to eject the Blu-ray from the drive so I do not need to go back into the PS3 OS (I notice the eject button doesn't work in PS3 Linux).

My eject button works fine on a fat. Try holding the eject button for 20 seconds, it should do an eject cycle.

gamecaptor wrote:

2. When I do a "reboot" command the PS3 complains "The system was not turned off properly the last time it was used". Is this normal?

Yes. Half the time I get that, I turn the ps3 off by holding the power button. I don't think it's anything to worry about, unless perhaps you have to reboot for every disc (I do them in batches).

gamecaptor wrote:

3. How will this be used to verify ISO dumps; Is there a way for the .dats to verify this info in ISO?

I don't understand the question, so have some scattershot answers that might help wink

  • It doesn't verify isos, it makes them useful by being able to decrypt them. The PS3 section stagnated for years because the dumps weren't usable, now if the disc key is present they are (decrypt and re-encrypt with PS3Dec).

  • Currently the dats do not contain the key. What we have now is not the most automated way to do things, maybe something can be done in the future (like a small download with the disc key, or putting the disc keys in the dat)

  • The metadata does not have a confirmation orb on it's page so technically does not need to be verified, although really it should be. Someone else can get the metadata with their disc to check it, or decrypt the image with the key on the redump page to check it.

PS3Dec (decrypt ps3 images), PS3DumpCheck (check integrity), GetKey (dump PS3 metadata), DatSplit (split redump dats), GPack (compress related images together)

12 2013-04-10 17:46:48

Thank you for taking the time to reply jamjam.

So the eject button definitely doesn't work in PS3Linux. Not a huge deal, but it's really annoying to have to reboot after each dump.

As of this morning I am getting a new error message (third line):

root@ps3-linux:/# mount /temp/petitboot/mnt/sda1 -o rw/remount
warning: can't open /etc/fstab: No such file or directory
mount: can't find /temp/petitboot/mnt/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

Another question that popped in my head this morning, am I able to move to a different CFW, like Rogero?

13 2013-04-10 18:13:01 (edited by jamjam 2013-04-10 18:15:26)

root@ps3-linux:/# mount /temp/petitboot/mnt/sda1 -o rw/remount
warning: can't open /etc/fstab: No such file or directory
mount: can't find /temp/petitboot/mnt/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

If there's a problem with /etc/fstab I can't help, not overly qualified with linux. It could just be that the stick is no longer sda1, it might have changed (it can change just by unplugging and replugging). Or maybe you've said temp when it should be tmp (mine isn't setup so can't check).


Another question that popped in my head this morning, am I able to move to a different CFW, like Rogero?

Doubt it, haven't tried. To be honest as soon as I got it working I daren't mess with it further, the ps3 is on its last legs anyway and I don't want to push it over the edge.

PS3Dec (decrypt ps3 images), PS3DumpCheck (check integrity), GetKey (dump PS3 metadata), DatSplit (split redump dats), GPack (compress related images together)

14 2013-04-10 19:14:17

BAH! Dame typo's. I corrected my commands above. All is good now.

It turns out neither the power button nor the eject button work in the petitboot. I won't worry about it, just an extra step I need to do, not a complete deal breaker (I'd honestly rather deal with that then have to read those damn small codes on the discs!).

I'll ask around to see if I can move to a newer CFW.

Thanks again jamjam.

15 2013-04-10 19:57:17

gamecaptor wrote:

It turns out neither the power button nor the eject button work in the petitboot.

eject should work after you do umount /dev/bdvd

16 2013-04-10 23:08:54

Jackal wrote:

eject should work after you do umount /dev/bdvd

AAAHHH!! Linux commands, who knew! smile

17 2013-04-11 11:00:55

To shut down have you tried shutdown -h now

18 2013-04-11 16:40:04

No, but I will give that a try and report back. Clearly I need to learn some Linux commands smile