1 2013-04-01 00:10:47

I'm trying to dump a game according to this guide:

When I'm on the "Determining the combined offset" stage, I get all zeroes in the sector when I'm in EAC. I checked like 10 times, the pregap on the second track is 2 seconds, so I subtract 149 from the number in the text box and then take back another sector by clicking on the arrow, as written in the guide. I see no data on this sector or on the sectors next to it. The guide says that in this case I should try dumping with a drive with a larger offset, but I have two drives and both of them have an offset of +6. So how I can dump the game with these drives anyway?

Thanks in advance.

2 2013-04-01 02:32:03

Assuming that it is a new dump (not added to DB yet): You own likely a game with -647 factory write offset. You need a real Plextor drive which supports D8 command or another drive which can compensate the -647 factory write offset, for example a Hitachi-LG DVD writer with +667 read offset correction.

Assuming that DB already contains that game, green status (verified dump by two or more dumpers, or one dumper and several identical discs): If DB states that factory write offset is -647, just dump the disc applying -647+6 = -641 offset correction.

On semi-vacation. MSF/AMSF to LBA/offset and viceversa calculator: link
To write properly occidental characters contained in japanese titles: screenshot
Spaces must be the fullwidth variant: link / screenshot

3 2013-04-01 04:56:57

It's a new dump:
Tiny Toon Adventures - Toonenstein Le Chateau Hante

And you're right, it probably has -647 factory write offset, because the German, PAL and NTSC versions of it all have the same offset. I don't have a Plextor drive, but I'll try to find a drive with the right offset.

4 2013-04-01 15:53:09

How many audio tracks does this game have? Just one or more? If there is just one audio track, EAC cannot detect the pregap and will require a manual fix to prepend the missing pregap (for example, 352,800 bytes of 0x00 pattern = 2 seconds pregap = 150 sectors pregap).

On semi-vacation. MSF/AMSF to LBA/offset and viceversa calculator: link
To write properly occidental characters contained in japanese titles: screenshot
Spaces must be the fullwidth variant: link / screenshot