2,151 2019-09-13 15:46:14 (edited by sarami 2019-09-13 15:46:44)

Uploaded 20190914  00743 (http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … st.7z/file)
PS2 unlicensed disc has weird subQ like this.

========== LBA[145406, 0x237fe]: Sub Channel ==========
      +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +A +B
    P FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00
    Q 83 54 02 4C 80 B2 00 64 40 41 AA 01

41 AA 01 is ctrl/adr and track and index. These value are shifted. Fixed it manually.

2,152 2019-09-14 02:42:33 (edited by user7 2019-09-14 03:45:47)

It's working! I redumped a couple PS2 Unl already in redump hashes match.


Separately, what should I do if a CD gets stuck in this phase "Reading DirectoryRecord    1/   2"?

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

2,153 2019-09-14 05:04:20

Yep, matching hashes! smile

2,154 2019-09-15 22:02:05

I dumped a bunch of Xbox OG and 360 these past few days, but one Xbox OG disc will not dump in DIC (it fails before dumping). XBC dumps it fine.

Here are the failed dic logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FbCiMv … sp=sharing

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

2,155 2019-09-16 07:38:46

There is not error in logs. What messages are shown in command-line?

2,156 2019-09-18 13:11:28

reentrant wrote:

Yes, it's the same stuff as in Club Saturn. PX760 and PX716 return the same C2 pointers but the data is different in those 24 bytes between models. I have PX4012 and the issue is there too.

Was this problem solved at the latest test version?

2,157 2019-09-18 17:36:58 (edited by Madroms 2019-09-18 20:44:12)

I notice this today:
when dumping CD with DIC 20190708 115259,
the line "Creating .scm (LBA) xxx/YYY" do not have consistent YYY value (last sector).

For http://redump.org/disc/45731/ it reports 157995 [correct as the game has 157996 sectors, from 0 to 157995]

        x86, AnsiBuild, 20190708 115259
/c2 val2 is omitted. set [0]
E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\ISO\test\ doesn't exist, so create.
         Argument: ISO\test\test (1).bin
         FullPath: E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\ISO\test\test (1).bin
            Drive: E:
        Directory: \Redump\Release_ANSI\ISO\test\
         Filename: test (1)
        Extension: .bin
StartTime: 2019/09/18(Wed) 20:15:48
Set the drive speed: 1411KB/sec
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-in -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track)  1/ 1
Checking SubRtoW (Track)  1/ 1
Set OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8(Raw)
LBA[-00001, 0xffffffff]: Q[4101000000000000017404a1]
Checking SubQ ctl (Track)  1/ 1
Creating .scm (LBA) 157995/157995
No C2 errors
Copying .scm to .img
Descrambling data sector of img (LBA) 157995/157995
Exec ""E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\EccEdc.exe" check "E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\ISO\test
\test (1).img""
FILE: E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\ISO\test\test (1).img
Checking sectors (LBA) 157995/157995
[NO ERROR] User data vs. ecc/edc match all
Creating bin, cue and ccd (Track)  1/ 1
Hashing: test (1).scm
Hashing: test (1).img
Hashing: test (1).bin
EndTime: 2019/09/18(Wed) 20:20:52

For http://redump.org/disc/5305/ it reports 205250 [incorrect as the game has 205250 sectors, and so the last sector that must be reported is 205249]
But, on lines "checking sectors (LBA) xxx/YYY" and "Descrambling data sector of img (LBA) xxx/YYY" it reports 205249 which is correct.

StartTime: 2019/09/18(Wed) 18:57:21
Set the drive speed: 1411KB/sec
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-out -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track)  1/ 1
Checking SubRtoW (Track)  1/ 1
Set OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8(Raw)
LBA[-00001, 0xffffffff]: Q[4101000000000000017404a1]
Checking SubQ ctl (Track)  1/ 1
Creating .scm (LBA) 205250/205250
No C2 errors
Copying .scm to .img
Descrambling data sector of img (LBA) 205249/205249
Exec ""E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\EccEdc.exe" check "E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\ISO\JMFB
97\JMFB97 (1).img""
FILE: E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\ISO\JMFB97\JMFB97 (1).img
Checking sectors (LBA) 205249/205249
[NO ERROR] User data vs. ecc/edc match all
Creating bin, cue and ccd (Track)  1/ 1
Hashing: JMFB97 (1).scm
Hashing: JMFB97 (1).img
Hashing: JMFB97 (1).bin
EndTime: 2019/09/18(Wed) 19:04:06

Is it normal, or corrected in new version ?

No effect on the dump btw.

another example:

StartTime: 2019/09/18(Wed) 19:44:45
Set the drive speed: 1411KB/sec
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-out -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track)  1/ 1
Checking SubRtoW (Track)  1/ 1
Set OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8(Raw)
LBA[-00001, 0xffffffff]: Q[4101000000000000017404a1]
Checking SubQ ctl (Track)  1/ 1
Creating .scm (LBA) 256450/256450
No C2 errors
Copying .scm to .img
Descrambling data sector of img (LBA) 256449/256449
Exec ""E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\EccEdc.exe" check "E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\ISO\FZ-S
M0401(DEMO)\FZ-SM0401(DEMO) (1).img""
FILE: E:\Redump\Release_ANSI\ISO\FZ-SM0401(DEMO)\FZ-SM0401(DEMO) (1).img
Checking sectors (LBA) 256449/256449
[NO ERROR] User data vs. ecc/edc match all

I will test the latest build of DIC tomorrow.

Saturn Database {-} Retro Deals search engine that helps you find stuff (plextor drives, games, etc.) easily on eBay {-} My Redump Logs

2,158 2019-09-19 02:43:28

I'm trying to dump what seems to be:
(though it may be different)

However I keep getting the same errors, even with different speeds (I tried different values for c2 as well, same thing),

https://mega.nz/#!m2Zj1YgY!5eatDeMvvuIW … Ru5QuJM2eQ

CMD output:

D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190913>DiscImageCreator.exe cd h .\current_dump\GameSh
arkCDX_DC.bin 16 /ms /c2 500
        x86, AnsiBuild, 20190914  00743
/c2 val2 is omitted. set [0]
         Argument: .\current_dump\GameSharkCDX_DC.bin
         FullPath: D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190913\current_dump\GameSharkCDX_DC
            Drive: D:
        Directory: \apps\redump\dic_test_20190913\current_dump\
         Filename: GameSharkCDX_DC
        Extension: .bin
StartTime: 2019/09/18(Wed) 23:09:03
Set the drive speed: 2822KB/sec
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-out -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track)  2/ 2
Checking SubRtoW (Track)  2/ 2
Reading DirectoryRecord    1/   1
Set OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8(Raw)
LBA[-00001, 0xffffffff]: Q[0101000000000000017476bb]
Checking SubQ ctl (Track)  2/ 2
Creating .scm (LBA)   9185/ 15100 Lead-out length of 1st session: 6750
Creating .scm (LBA)   9190/ 15100 End of readable sector
Sleep 20000 msec
 Lead-in length of 2nd session: 4500
Creating .scm (LBA)  13835/ 15100 Pregap length of 1st track of 2nd session: 150

Creating .scm (LBA)  15100/ 15100
No C2 errors
Copying .scm to .img
Descrambling data sector of img (LBA)  13685/ 13685
Descrambling data sector of img (LBA)  15099/ 15099
Exec ""D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190913\EccEdc.exe" check "D:\apps\redump\dic_te
FILE: D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190913\current_dump\GameSharkCDX_DC.img
Checking sectors (LBA)  15099/ 15099
[INFO] Number of sector(s) where EDC doesn't exist: 1
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where mode2 NoEdc subheader(0x10 - 0x17) isn't same:
Total errors: 4
Total warnings: 0
Creating bin, cue and ccd (Track)  2/ 2
Hashing: GameSharkCDX_DC.scm
Hashing: GameSharkCDX_DC.img
Hashing: GameSharkCDX_DC (Track 1).bin
Hashing: GameSharkCDX_DC (Track 2).bin
EndTime: 2019/09/18(Wed) 23:09:53


2,159 2019-09-19 12:53:46

pool7 wrote:

However I keep getting the same errors

Uploaded 20190919 211729 http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … st.7z/file

2,160 2019-09-19 20:53:09

Thanks; I think it's working now.

D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190919>DiscImageCreator.exe cd h .\current\GameSharkCD
X-DC.bin 16 /ms /c2 200
        x86, AnsiBuild, 20190919 211729
/c2 val2 is omitted. set [0]
         Argument: .\current\GameSharkCDX-DC.bin
         FullPath: D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190919\current\GameSharkCDX-DC.bin
            Drive: D:
        Directory: \apps\redump\dic_test_20190919\current\
         Filename: GameSharkCDX-DC
        Extension: .bin
StartTime: 2019/09/19(Thu) 17:19:17
Set the drive speed: 2822KB/sec
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-out -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track)  2/ 2
Checking SubRtoW (Track)  2/ 2
Reading DirectoryRecord    1/   1
Set OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8(Raw)
LBA[-00001, 0xffffffff]: Q[0101000000000000017476bb]
Checking SubQ ctl (Track)  2/ 2
Creating .scm (LBA)   9185/ 15100 Lead-out length of 1st session: 6750
Creating .scm (LBA)   9190/ 15100 End of readable sector
Sleep 20000 msec
 Lead-in length of 2nd session: 4500
Creating .scm (LBA)  13835/ 15100 Pregap length of 1st track of 2nd session: 150

Creating .scm (LBA)  15100/ 15100
No C2 errors
Copying .scm to .img
Descrambling data sector of img:  13685/ 13685
Descrambling data sector of img:  15099/ 15099
Exec ""D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190919\EccEdc.exe" check "D:\apps\redump\dic_te
FILE: D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190919\current\GameSharkCDX-DC.img
Checking sectors:  15099/ 15099
[b][INFO] Number of sector(s) where EDC doesn't exist: 1[/b]
Total errors: 0
Total warnings: 0
Creating bin, cue and ccd (Track)  2/ 2
Hashing: GameSharkCDX-DC.scm
Hashing: GameSharkCDX-DC.img
Hashing: GameSharkCDX-DC (Track 1).bin
Hashing: GameSharkCDX-DC (Track 2).bin
EndTime: 2019/09/19(Thu) 17:20:08


Should I worry about this?
[INFO] Number of sector(s) where EDC doesn't exist: 1

Logs in case they're needed:
https://mega.nz/#!Hu5g1Ygb!AqxxBwNu-q84 … Unvf00X03Y

2,161 2019-09-19 23:36:06

Madroms wrote:

I notice this today:
when dumping CD with DIC 20190708 115259,
the line "Creating .scm (LBA) xxx/YYY" do not have consistent YYY value (last sector).

I think its due to over-reading, should be fine.

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

2,162 2019-09-20 05:45:37

GameShark Lite for Dreamcast is dumping fine with this version. Going to submit it.

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

2,163 2019-09-20 13:47:39

pool7 wrote:

Should I worry about this?
[INFO] Number of sector(s) where EDC doesn't exist: 1

Uploaded 20190920 205750 http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … st.7z/file

2,164 2019-09-20 15:20:34

I redumped GS Lite (DC) with the above test version, the CLI shows all kinds of errors:

Checking SubQ ctl (Track)  2/ 2
Creating .scm (LBA)   7622/ 15100 LBA[007623, 0x01dc7] Detected C2 error 37 bit
Creating .scm (LBA)   9185/ 15100 Lead-out length of 1st session: 6750
Creating .scm (LBA)   9190/ 15100 End of readable sector
Sleep 20000 msec
 Lead-in length of 2nd session: 4500
Creating .scm (LBA)  13835/ 15100 Pregap length of 1st track of 2nd session: 150
Creating .scm (LBA)  15100/ 15100
Need to reread sector:   7623 rereading times:    1/ 200
Done. See _c2Error.txt
Copying .scm to .img
Descrambling data sector of img:  13685/ 13685
Descrambling data sector of img:  15099/ 15099
Exec ""C:\Users\Jaguar\Desktop\Downloads\DiscImageCreator_test\Release_ANSI\EccEdc.exe" check "C:\Users\Jaguar\Desktop\Downloads\DiscImageCreator_test\Release_ANSI\GSlite.img""
FILE: C:\Users\Jaguar\Desktop\Downloads\DiscImageCreator_test\Release_ANSI\GSlite.img
Checking sectors:  15099/ 15099
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where sync(0x00 - 0x0c) is zero: 11
Total errors: 11
Total warnings: 0
Creating bin, cue and ccd (Track)  2/ 2
Hashing: GSlite.scm
Hashing: GSlite.img
Hashing: GSlite (Track 1).bin
Hashing: GSlite (Track 2).bin
EndTime: 2019/09/20(Fri) 07:50:00

but the hashes were the same as my previous dump / the redump entry.

Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f5qTZ3 … sp=sharing

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

2,165 2019-09-20 16:52:16

20190921  11000 http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … st.7z/file

2,166 2019-09-21 12:49:13

Hello again

I got trouble dumping the soundtrack from 'Soreyuke ! BurunyanMan Portable' special edition...
The app just stops with an error after having detected the disc content... dunno why as it's a plain audio CD...

Here's the log...

Post's attachments

Burunyan_CD_error.zip 7.35 kb, 15 downloads since 2019-09-21 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

2,167 2019-09-21 15:47:16

What error is it?

2,168 2019-09-21 16:35:56 (edited by Parotaku 2019-09-21 16:39:34)

It doesn't say... :-/
It closes just after the "Checking reading lead-out-->OK" message...

Changed system to: Audio CD
Starting dumping process..
Executing DiscImageCreator... please wait!
DiscImageCreator has finished!
Running any additional tools... please wait!
No external tools needed!
Gathering submission information... please wait!
All submission information gathered!
Error! Please check output directory as dump may be incomplete!

The disc is like new and, of course, it's the same drive I use for the dumps... not a new/different one...

2,169 2019-09-22 09:55:43

It's DICUI log. Is there DIC error log in command-line? And plz use the latest test version.

2,170 2019-09-22 10:44:21

Same result with the 20190921 test version...

Post's attachments

Audio CD.7z 4.87 kb, 15 downloads since 2019-09-22 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

2,171 2019-09-22 13:22:09

20190922 214331 http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … st.7z/file
- added: setvbuf (to prohibit the buffering of log file)

Not fixed yet, but upload all logs please.

2,172 2019-09-22 13:46:33 (edited by Parotaku 2019-09-22 13:46:45)

Here you are:

Post's attachments

Audio CD-test20190922.7z 5.49 kb, 16 downloads since 2019-09-22 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

2,173 2019-09-22 16:25:47 (edited by sarami 2019-09-22 16:27:11)

20190923  05113 http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … st.7z/file
- fixed: analyze CD-TEXT of SJIS only disc

2,174 2019-09-22 17:54:09

That fixed it! Thanks Sarami!

2,175 2019-09-24 15:27:07 (edited by user7 2019-09-24 15:27:24)

Tried dumping a ps2 unlicensed disc again that got stuck on a previous version of DIC:

This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-out -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track)  1/ 1
Checking SubRtoW (Track)  1/ 1
Reading DirectoryRecord    1/   2

This is where it gets stuck.

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.