1,451 2018-07-11 08:19:44

Uploaded linux build. I built it on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) using ubuntu 18.04 LTS x64.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/uw3e03kdk … t.tar/file
But it doesn't work. I don't know why now.

        x86, AnsiBuild, 20180711 160517
         Argument: test.iso
         FullPath: /home/sarami/projects/DiscImageCreator_linux/bin/x64/Release/test.iso
        Directory: /home/sarami/projects/DiscImageCreator_linux/bin/x64/Release/
         Filename: test
        Extension: .iso
StartTime: 2018/07/11(Wed) 16:06:19
[F:TestUnitReady][L:44] GetLastError: 30, Read-only file system
EndTime: 2018/07/11(Wed) 16:06:19

mount place: /mnt/<single letter>
e.g. /mnt/f

usage: same as windows version
e.g. ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out dvd f test.iso 4

1,452 2018-07-11 15:37:19

Oh my fucking god! I love you sarami!

Time to test this baby out!

1,453 2018-07-11 16:00:51 (edited by ajshell1 2018-07-11 16:10:48)

I seem to be getting a different error:

After doing: sudo mount /dev/sr1 /mnt/d

[aj@Canopus test]$ ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out cd d SC3K.bin 8 /c2 /d8 /sf /ns
        x86, AnsiBuild, 20180711 160517
/c2 val1 is omitted. set [4000]
/c2 val2 is omitted. set [0]
/sf val is omitted. set [60]
         Argument: SC3K.bin
         FullPath: /home/aj/games/test/SC3K.bin
        Directory: /home/aj/games/test/
         Filename: SC3K
        Extension: .bin
StartTime: 2018/07/11(Wed) 11:02:05
[F:TestUnitReady][L:44] GetLastError: 25, Inappropriate ioctl for device

I seem to be getting that error regardless of whether I have a disc mounted to that point or not.

Honestly, I'm not sure if you are going about it the right way. The way Windows and Linux handle mounting of drives is fundamentally different. I think it would be smarter to have us select the device name (e.g. /dev/sr0 or /dev/cdrom) rather than a mount point. I know that you might not like that since it'll make your programming experience harder and your code messier, but I think the way it is now is only going to lead to more problems. However, that's just my opinion.

I'm not sure what exactly you'll need for full Linux support in the future, but I'm willing to help you in any way that I can. Including financially.

Also, if you could run "lsblk" in WSL, that might help us out.

1,454 2018-07-11 17:27:42


lsblk: failed to access sysfs directory: /sys/dev/block: No such file or directory

I think it would be smarter to have us select the device name (e.g. /dev/sr0 or /dev/cdrom) rather than a mount point.

Fixed as follows.

    pDevice->hDevice = open("/dev/cdrom", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK, 0777);

But, there isn't /dev/sr0 and /dev/cdrom in ubuntu of WSL, so I can't confirm it's working or not.

1,455 2018-07-12 04:01:09

Well, I'll be your personal tester if you want. Just give me the latest compiled binaries, and I'll let you know if they work or if they don't.

1,456 2018-07-14 17:23:36

By the way sarami, could you make the _disc.txt file specifically mention the layerbreak at some point?

Please make it say something like "Layerbreak: 1336160" somewhere in the output files.

This is a required field for DVD-9 submissions, so this should be "idiot proof".

1,457 2018-07-15 19:53:40

It's on Linux now? Thank you so much <3

1,458 2018-07-16 01:27:19 (edited by h0lylag 2018-07-16 16:52:21)

sarami wrote:

But, there isn't /dev/sr0 and /dev/cdrom in ubuntu of WSL, so I can't confirm it's working or not

Hi Sarami,

I gave this a go and wasn't able to get it working. I can help with testing more if that is needed. Although I'm afraid I wouldn't be of much more help than that.

h0lylag@debian:~/Desktop$ ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out xbox /dev/sr1 test.iso
    x86, AnsiBuild, 20180712 12823
     Argument: test.iso
     FullPath: /home/h0lylag/Desktop/test.iso
    Directory: /home/h0lylag/Desktop/
     Filename: test
    Extension: .iso
StartTime: 2018/07/16(Mon) 00:30:32
[F:StorageQueryProperty][L:227] GetLastError: 22, Invalid argument
EndTime: 2018/07/16(Mon) 00:30:32

1,459 2018-07-16 10:14:00

http://www.mediafire.com/file/uw3e03kdk … t.tar/file


Skipped this func.

1,460 2018-07-16 16:51:32

Hello again, thank you for the update. I receive the same error still. The output is unchanged from my last comment so I will not include it again.

1,461 2018-07-19 03:26:18

http://www.mediafire.com/file/uw3e03kdk … t.tar/file
I confirmed only dvd command using knoppix 8.2 x64

1,462 2018-07-19 16:15:14

Progress! The program can now initiate the dump process. However there are a few issues. When I tried to do a dvd dump of a PS2 game the dump began, but it took forever and the file was only 2KB afterwards? Then I tried doing a Xbox and Xbox 360 game, both seemed to go normally except that when the dump was finished they did not complete the hash check. After manually checking the hashes of the two Xbox games, they both did not match the redump checksums. I've included what logs I have available. This was on Debian 9.

ps2: https://transfer.sh/x0nmr/DesertStorm.tar.gz

xbox: https://transfer.sh/uCzEB/Halo_2.tar.gz

360: https://transfer.sh/bSOMf/GoW.tar.gz

1,463 2018-07-20 02:27:57 (edited by sarami 2018-07-20 04:55:50)

Fixed ss sector ranges of xbox/xbox360.
I confirmed cd command and it seems working.

h0lylag wrote:

when the dump was finished they did not complete the hash check.

Windows build uses xmllite but there isn't it in linux, so it hasn't been supported yet.

added: EccEdc_linux.out

1,464 2018-07-21 22:19:40

Ok. I tested the version before your edit and the last one and get the same results.

  • CD dumps are looking good. I tested a few PS1 games and a Xbox CD.

  • I've tried a couple different PS2 games for DVD dumps and its not quite working. I get segmentation fault error most times trying to start it. Sometimes it will start but the dumped file is way too small, or once it gave me a 46GB file.

user@debian:~/DesertStorm$ sudo ~/DIC/DiscImageCreator_linux.out dvd /dev/sr0 DesertStorm.iso 16
    x86, AnsiBuild, 20180720 185823
     Argument: DesertStorm.iso
     FullPath: /home/user/DesertStorm/DesertStorm
    Directory: /home/user/DesertStorm/
     Filename: DesertStorm
StartTime: 2018/07/21(Sat) 14:06:05
Creating iso(LBA)        1/       1
Segmentation fault

  • For Xbox games, its the same as before. They seem to get dumped to completion without issue but the hashes don't match. Its reproducing the same incorrect file and hashes each time though.

  • Another bug when dumping Xbox games is that the SS.bin file will get dumped into the directory above where you specified. So like there in this picture, I specified that the dump should be started in the Halo_2 folder, but the bin file is residing next to it. It looks like one slash got messed up in the code.

  • Lastly a general bug I found. If you put a path in the command for the output file, it creates that full path in the current folder. It doesn't save the file in the existing system. For example if you run this:

cd ~/DIC
sudo ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out xbox /dev/sr1 /mnt/storage/dumps/Halo_2/Halo_2.iso

It doesn't save the file in


It creates


because ~/DIC was the current working directory when the command was executed.

Thanks for all the work on making a Linux version!

1,465 2018-07-22 00:11:20

sarami, I'm concerned about the speed at which DIC calculates the hash values after dumping.

I ran the windows version of rhash to calculate the crc32, md5, and sha1 value of a .bin file as soon as I saw that DIC had finished calculating the hash of the .img file. (using the command "rhash -C -M -H filename.bin"

On my super-low end CPU of my dumping machine, rhash took 36 seconds to calculate the hash values.

DIC took 3 minutes and 16 seconds.

Granted, this won't be an issue any more once DIC for Linux is mature enough, because my Linux PC is pretty beefy. However, this still might be something work on in the future.

Thanks again for working on the Linux port by the way, you have my eternal gratitude for that!

1,466 2018-07-22 00:13:04

Hi @sarami, could you push your current code with the linux support to github so I can take a look at some of the issues? Thanks!

1,467 2018-07-22 02:09:05

Some updated. (added css authentication, scsi status)

h0lylag wrote:

PS2 games for DVD dumps

Invalid disc structure is outputted.

========== DiscStructure ==========
FormatCode: 00, Sendable:  No, Readable:  No, FormatLength: 0
Skiped because length is 0

FormatCode: 2a, Sendable:  No, Readable:  No, FormatLength: 7959
    Unknown: 2a

FormatCode: f3, Sendable:  No, Readable: Yes, FormatLength: 10531
    Unknown: f3

How about other DVD except PS2? and how about other PS2 DVD?

h0lylag wrote:

SS.bin file will get dumped into the directory above where you specified.


h0lylag wrote:

Lastly a general bug I found.

What do you hope about this case?

sudo ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out xbox Halo_2.iso

/Halo_2.iso or /home/user/DIC/Halo_2.iso ?

sudo ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out xbox /Halo_2.iso

/Halo_2.iso or /home/user/DIC/Halo_2.iso ?

sudo ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out xbox Halo_2/Halo_2.iso

/Halo_2/Halo_2.iso or /home/user/DIC/Halo_2/Halo_2.iso ?

sudo ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out xbox /Halo_2/Halo_2.iso

/Halo_2/Halo_2.iso or /home/user/DIC/Halo_2/Halo_2.iso ?


ajshell1 wrote:

the windows version of rhash

Perhaps, I think the algo of rhash is faster than that of RFC 1321, 1952, 3174.

bparker wrote:

some of the issues

What issues in detail?

1,468 2018-07-22 03:43:30 (edited by h0lylag 2018-07-22 04:51:35)

sarami wrote:

How about other DVD except PS2? and how about other PS2 DVD?

I'm going to try some more PS2 games. All of a sudden my windows install is not working now so I have to reinstall to cross check the ps2 games with windows.

I tried a regular DVD Movie and that appears to work correctly. No segmentation faults and stuff. But I don't have anything to compare it against.

sarami wrote:

What do you hope about this case?

sudo ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out xbox Halo_2.iso


sudo ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out xbox /Halo_2.iso


sudo ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out xbox Halo_2/Halo_2.iso


sudo ./DiscImageCreator_linux.out xbox /Halo_2/Halo_2.iso


1,469 2018-07-22 10:47:33

h0lylag wrote:

Lastly a general bug I found.


1,470 2018-07-22 11:55:14 (edited by ajshell1 2018-07-22 11:59:57)

What's up with the Dreamcast dumping command in Discimagecreator?

I've dumped the game disc four times so far, and this is what I found in the _EdcEcc.txt file:

Dump 1:
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where user data doesn't match the expected ECC/EDC: 2
    Sector: 59634, 59652,
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where sync(0x00 - 0x0c) is invalid: 1
    Sector: 59635,
Total errors: 3
Total warnings: 0

Dump 2:
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where user data doesn't match the expected ECC/EDC: 2
    Sector: 124301, 124321,
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where sync(0x00 - 0x0c) is invalid: 1
    Sector: 124302,
Total errors: 3
Total warnings: 0

Dump 3:
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where user data doesn't match the expected ECC/EDC: 1
    Sector: 59615,
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where sync(0x00 - 0x0c) is invalid: 1
    Sector: 59616,
Total errors: 2
Total warnings: 0

Dump 4:
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where user data doesn't match the expected ECC/EDC: 1
    Sector: 59616,
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where sync(0x00 - 0x0c) is invalid: 1
    Sector: 59617,
Total errors: 2
Total warnings: 0

Also, this is what my GDI output file looks like:
1     0 4 2352 "Grandia II (USA) (Dump 3) (Track 1).bin" 0
2 [fix] 0 2352 "Grandia II (USA) (Dump 3) (Track 2).bin" 0
3 45000 4 2352 "Grandia II (USA) (Dump 3) (Track 3).bin" 0
4 49871 0 2352 "Grandia II (USA) (Dump 3) (Track 4).bin" 0
5 50397 4 2352 "Grandia II (USA) (Dump 3) (Track 5).bin" 0

I don't think that "[fix]" is supposed to be there.

What's going on?

EDIT: I'm using a TS-H352C, which AFAIK doesn't have C2 support. (using the most up-to-date non-Kreon firmware.

1,471 2018-07-22 13:45:39

ajshell1 wrote:

I don't think that "[fix]" is supposed to be there.

It should be there, since it only reads the HD area (45000 and above) in DC mode, so it can't know the 2nd track's LBA. You need to dump it again as CD to find out.

1,472 2018-07-22 13:58:02

So, how exactly do I find that value out? I already dumped it as a CD earlier.

1,473 2018-07-23 01:53:05 (edited by h0lylag 2018-07-23 02:02:31)

sarami wrote:

and how about other PS2 DVD?

Turns out it was my Plextor drive. Its working ok for CD dumps but it wont read PS2 discs. After you added the error code output it helped find the problem. I used a different DVD drive and was able to get matching dumps on 3 different PS2 DVD games. No errors or seg faults.

Xbox is same status as before. Dumps are completing, and are the correct size but they have incorrect hashes.

Other then the problem I'm having with Xbox discs the port is starting to look pretty solid!

1,474 2018-07-23 07:07:09

ajshell1 wrote:

So, how exactly do I find that value out? I already dumped it as a CD earlier.

It matches the size of the first track in sectors. Anyway, you need the merged .cue to submit into the db, not .gdi (unless you're trying to make some dumps for your own private use).

1,475 2018-07-23 13:38:02

h0lylag wrote:

Xbox is same status as before

Please upload the log and tried windows build. I tried xbox/xbox360 dump and confirmed that it matched as the hash of db.
If the hash of linux build and windows build matched, please try freecell and/or XBC and compare which sectors differ.

ajshell1 wrote:

I've dumped the game disc four times so far

Perhaps, your disc has c2 errors.