1,251 2018-03-10 03:24:22

F1ReB4LL wrote:

Main track part is padded with 0x00, gaps are padded with 0xFF, nothing special. Gaps padding is shifted by 1 sector, btw, so, the first sector of the gap is padded with 0x00, the 2nd sector of the gap is padded with 0xFF, the first sector of the track after the gap is padded with 0xFF, the next sector is padded with 0x00.

Confirmed. And the last 149 sector of the last track is also padded with 0xff.
And is 'NiGHTS into Dreams... (Japan)' irregular? Some sectors of the former pregap are also padded with 0xff in the all track.

LBA[098835, 0x18213]: P[00], Q[010301000943002159602402]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:43], AMSF[21:59:60]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098836, 0x18214]: P[00], Q[0103010009440021596153f7]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:44], AMSF[21:59:61]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098837, 0x18215]: P[ff], Q[01030100094500215962c9c5]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:45], AMSF[21:59:62]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098838, 0x18216]: P[ff], Q[010301000946002159633736]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:46], AMSF[21:59:63]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098839, 0x18217]: P[ff], Q[01030100094700215964ed80]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:47], AMSF[21:59:64]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098840, 0x18218]: P[ff], Q[010301000948002159659858]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:48], AMSF[21:59:65]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098841, 0x18219]: P[ff], Q[01030100094900215966026a]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:49], AMSF[21:59:66]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098842, 0x1821a]: P[ff], Q[01030100095000215967be6d]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:50], AMSF[21:59:67]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098843, 0x1821b]: P[ff], Q[01030100095100215968e5d3]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:51], AMSF[21:59:68]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098844, 0x1821c]: P[ff], Q[010301000952002159691b20]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:52], AMSF[21:59:69]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098845, 0x1821d]: P[ff], Q[010301000953002159703269]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:53], AMSF[21:59:70]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098846, 0x1821e]: P[ff], Q[01030100095400215971459c]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:54], AMSF[21:59:71]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098847, 0x1821f]: P[ff], Q[01030100095500215972dfae]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:55], AMSF[21:59:72]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098848, 0x18220]: P[ff], Q[01030100095600215973215d]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:56], AMSF[21:59:73]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098849, 0x18221]: P[ff], Q[01030100095700215974fbeb]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:57], AMSF[21:59:74]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098850, 0x18222]: P[ff], Q[010301000958002200004d76]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:58], AMSF[22:00:00]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098851, 0x18223]: P[ff], Q[01030100095900220001f706]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:59], AMSF[22:00:01]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098852, 0x18224]: P[ff], Q[0103010009600022000263f7]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:60], AMSF[22:00:02]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098853, 0x18225]: P[ff], Q[01030100096100220003d987]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:61], AMSF[22:00:03]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098854, 0x18226]: P[ff], Q[0103010009620022000447b2]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:62], AMSF[22:00:04]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098855, 0x18227]: P[ff], Q[01030100096300220005fdc2]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:63], AMSF[22:00:05]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098856, 0x18228]: P[ff], Q[01030100096400220006aa75]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:64], AMSF[22:00:06]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098857, 0x18229]: P[ff], Q[010301000965002200071005]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:65], AMSF[22:00:07]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098858, 0x1822a]: P[ff], Q[010301000966002200080f38]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:66], AMSF[22:00:08]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098859, 0x1822b]: P[ff], Q[01030100096700220009b548]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:67], AMSF[22:00:09]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098860, 0x1822c]: P[ff], Q[0103010009680022001053a9]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:68], AMSF[22:00:10]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098861, 0x1822d]: P[ff], Q[01030100096900220011e9d9]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:69], AMSF[22:00:11]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098862, 0x1822e]: P[ff], Q[01030100097000220012759c]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:70], AMSF[22:00:12]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098863, 0x1822f]: P[ff], Q[01030100097100220013cfec]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:71], AMSF[22:00:13]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098864, 0x18230]: P[ff], Q[0103010009720022001451d9]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:72], AMSF[22:00:14]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098865, 0x18231]: P[ff], Q[01030100097300220015eba9]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:73], AMSF[22:00:15]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098866, 0x18232]: P[ff], Q[01030100097400220016bc1e]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:09:74], AMSF[22:00:16]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098867, 0x18233]: P[ff], Q[010301001000002200176ad9]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:10:00], AMSF[22:00:17]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098868, 0x18234]: P[ff], Q[010301001001002200183167]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:10:01], AMSF[22:00:18]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098869, 0x18235]: P[ff], Q[01030100100200220019cf94]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:10:02], AMSF[22:00:19]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098870, 0x18236]: P[ff], Q[020000000000000000200517]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, MediaCatalogNumber [0000000000000], AMSF[     :20]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098871, 0x18237]: P[ff], Q[01030100100400220021b54a]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:10:04], AMSF[22:00:21]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098872, 0x18238]: P[ff], Q[010301001005002200222f78]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[03], Idx[01], RMSF[00:10:05], AMSF[22:00:22]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098873, 0x18239]: P[ff], Q[010400000173002200234606]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[04], Idx[00], RMSF[00:01:73], AMSF[22:00:23]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[098874, 0x1823a]: P[ff], Q[010400000172002200249cb0]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[04], Idx[00], RMSF[00:01:72], AMSF[22:00:24]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
F1ReB4LL wrote:

Various Saturn titles come to mind.

e.g. Puyo Puyo Sun? That is, "The first sector of the 2nd track's pregap is a scrambled data sector."?

1,252 2018-03-10 13:54:55

sarami wrote:

And is 'NiGHTS into Dreams... (Japan)' irregular? Some sectors of the former pregap are also padded with 0xff in the all track.

Probably. According to the books, "During master disc encoding, the P code is generated automatically from the Q code", so, any P-channel vs Q-channel mismatchings should be some kind of mastering error.
And, as I've already said, according to the Redbook, "The encoding of channel P is delayed by one subcoding block with respect to the encoding of channel Q" (hence the 1-sector shift).

sarami wrote:
F1ReB4LL wrote:

Various Saturn titles come to mind.

e.g. Puyo Puyo Sun? That is, "The first sector of the 2nd track's pregap is a scrambled data sector."?

Many different ones. The ones with the scrambled sector, the ones with xx:01:74 gaps (Q-channel gaps are 149 sectors, P-channel gaps are often 186 sectors on those), the ones with 'serpentine' pregaps (http://redump.org/disc/1874/ is the example, if I remember correctly) and others.

1,253 2018-03-10 16:27:21

I understood a little.

F1ReB4LL wrote:

the ones with xx:01:74 gaps (Q-channel gaps are 149 sectors, P-channel gaps are often 186 sectors on those)

Surely, P-channel gaps of NiGHTS is 186.

1,254 2018-03-10 21:02:42

sarami wrote:

Confirmed. And the last 149 sector of the last track is also padded with 0xff.

Yes, that is correct.

ECMA-130 wrote:

The p-channel of the last Information Track in the User Data area shall end with a Flag of 2 s to 3 s (i.e. 150 to
225 Sections). Its end shall indicate the beginning of the Lead-out Track. In this track the bits of the p-channel are
set to ZERO during 2 s to 3 s."

1,255 2018-03-13 23:43:17

Hi: I cannot dump the Dreamcast games "Death Crimson OX (Japan)" and "Puzzle Bobble 4 (Japan)".
I have 2 disc of each and with dcdumper the dumps fail in the same site.
At the beginning I think that the disc are broken, but when purchase the second disc and fail in the same site I guess that is a mastering error.

Can you try to dump with DIC any of the 2 games to see if you find something weird?

I would try it myself, but the DIC does not work with any of my units to dump GD-Roms.

I love my XKey, my WODE and my 3Key.
Cerrar MegaUpload sólo es el comienzo de la censura, será el fin de la libertad.
Nada es verdad, todo está permitido.

1,256 2018-03-14 08:36:42

jhmiller wrote:

Can you try to dump with DIC any of the 2 games to see if you find something weird?

I'll buy these if these are sold in Nearby shop. (Because these aren't so cheap price...)

jhmiller wrote:

I have 2 disc of each and with dcdumper the dumps fail in the same site.

Does dcdumper show the error messages?

1,257 2018-03-14 20:03:55 (edited by jhmiller 2018-03-14 20:13:46)

sarami wrote:

Does dcdumper show the error messages?

No. dcdumper only show the error "Non-Match" in the section.
And after the retries, the program ends.
It does not give an error.
The program can read the section but the CRC does not match the previous reading.

Log of the PB4:

 DCdumper.exe dcdumper.exe f -c446261 -df -p4 

Handle acquired.
Load disc: Done.
Sector map created.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 1 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - Initial dump.
Reading section 2: 055279-065567 - Initial dump.
Reading section 3: 065568-075856 - Initial dump.
Reading section 4: 075857-086145 - Initial dump.
Reading section 5: 086146-096434 - Initial dump.
Reading section 6: 096435-106723 - Initial dump.
Reading section 7: 106724-117012 - Initial dump.
Reading section 8: 117013-127301 - Initial dump.
Reading section 9: 127302-137590 - Initial dump.
Reading section 10: 137591-147879 - Initial dump.
Reading section 11: 147880-158168 - Initial dump.
Reading section 12: 158169-168457 - Initial dump.
Reading section 13: 168458-178746 - Initial dump.
Reading section 14: 178747-189035 - Initial dump.
Reading section 15: 189036-199324 - Initial dump.
Reading section 16: 199325-209613 - Initial dump.
Reading section 17: 209614-219902 - Initial dump.
Reading section 18: 219903-230191 - Initial dump.
Reading section 19: 230192-240480 - Initial dump.
Reading section 20: 240481-250769 - Initial dump.
Reading section 21: 250770-261058 - Initial dump.
Reading section 22: 261059-271347 - Initial dump.
Reading section 23: 271348-281636 - Initial dump.
Reading section 24: 281637-291925 - Initial dump.
Reading section 25: 291926-302214 - Initial dump.
Reading section 26: 302215-312503 - Initial dump.
Reading section 27: 312504-322792 - Initial dump.
Reading section 28: 322793-333081 - Initial dump.
Reading section 29: 333082-343370 - Initial dump.
Reading section 30: 343371-353659 - Initial dump.
Reading section 31: 353660-363948 - Initial dump.
Reading section 32: 363949-374237 - Initial dump.
Reading section 33: 374238-384526 - Initial dump.
Reading section 34: 384527-394815 - Initial dump.
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Initial dump.
Reading section 36: 405105-415393 - Initial dump.
Reading section 37: 415394-425682 - Initial dump.
Reading section 38: 425683-435971 - Initial dump.
Reading section 39: 435972-446260 - Initial dump.
Reading section 40: 446261-549150 - Initial dump.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 2 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Reading section 2: 055279-065567 - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - MATCH: 0278c134f97f19e6f6bc8c390dc7a354
Reading section 3: 065568-075856 - MATCH: 64609ff036ed439e481ab12b3a99ea98
Reading section 4: 075857-086145 - Non-Match.
Reading section 5: 086146-096434 - MATCH: ab80d76c9a189a32664ebfdcdc424664
Reading section 6: 096435-106723 - Non-Match.
Reading section 7: 106724-117012 - MATCH: ba0310c899c44eb88dd7a6167c4d5dc3
Reading section 8: 117013-127301 - Non-Match.
Reading section 9: 127302-137590 - MATCH: 27527a1b9fc83c1a493901220806c7ad
Reading section 10: 137591-147879 - MATCH: 949aa40a59e44f360f52e22bfc2c89b1
Reading section 11: 147880-158168 - MATCH: b4d91a7b835c619f9195dd9191d4054e
Reading section 12: 158169-168457 - MATCH: 4e990abe072fbe37249d5a4fae946e4b
Reading section 13: 168458-178746 - MATCH: 734d5fbd9a058f981c4fd6cfd50ac0ee
Reading section 14: 178747-189035 - MATCH: 019dbd97d55c4d5c13eb40e9ed54250b
Reading section 15: 189036-199324 - MATCH: 596c2268f6dd2195e6c5bd4bf243848d
Reading section 16: 199325-209613 - MATCH: f021c0b016e79511850c52adcb6bae2e
Reading section 17: 209614-219902 - MATCH: 39e829a6a7e71c0844b29bcf8d7cf79f
Reading section 18: 219903-230191 - MATCH: 1db3c0f5ef7b5888e16085bce6fb3d36
Reading section 19: 230192-240480 - MATCH: a7e8b07c58566248c3c8f1eea2fd8348
Reading section 20: 240481-250769 - MATCH: 05cf4016a9c7f13ed12de3c3ac447810
Reading section 21: 250770-261058 - MATCH: f5433c95724932c6d65805ef57b5be9d
Reading section 22: 261059-271347 - MATCH: 87d01b53121a86f480d309ca8a66f2d5
Reading section 23: 271348-281636 - MATCH: 436934278f427d968022568c770f33a6
Reading section 24: 281637-291925 - MATCH: 575bda78d7689624d401ab53633c75df
Reading section 25: 291926-302214 - MATCH: 6e3c2d772d560328bdefaa8c1dfd242b
Reading section 26: 302215-312503 - MATCH: a212c8d8adc030f96bb9f00c969b2f6c
Reading section 27: 312504-322792 - MATCH: 6ebd5e2d004ebc9adc63ebde569e5085
Reading section 28: 322793-333081 - MATCH: 3f0d73dffdd3d3e63e47186a56483088
Reading section 29: 333082-343370 - MATCH: 86ac90e1460a1987ee5c22c1a0b3760b
Reading section 30: 343371-353659 - MATCH: 4ba7ba9d624f54c5fd5469495e23c8f1
Reading section 31: 353660-363948 - MATCH: d21acd03ec78b296a4fc47e82ba1796c
Reading section 32: 363949-374237 - MATCH: 551ac778b6223f8993ee3964baa6c765
Reading section 33: 374238-384526 - MATCH: dca70c46ac71ea05158608f2ea6ff9ee
Reading section 34: 384527-394815 - MATCH: ded9065aa4985309e9a78a37ad10f042
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Non-Match.
Reading section 36: 405105-415393 - MATCH: 8523340760e2cefc3014cff80c53bde1
Reading section 37: 415394-425682 - MATCH: 1e558d6e4c4abf9514035f4323c8596a
Reading section 38: 425683-435971 - MATCH: 222ac8dad3fbe34a443145d888048ae0
Reading section 39: 435972-446260 - MATCH: 2d3664ee4f6825cdd7152c5677947384
Reading section 40: 446261-549150 - MATCH: 168049ece4e03f8aef8455cd5639e321

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 3 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - Non-Match.
Reading section 4: 075857-086145 - Non-Match.
Reading section 6: 096435-106723 - MATCH: 24f972792a9be6a9f2281c3ea5e62b95
Reading section 8: 117013-127301 - MATCH: 7383f215d15cb11c7740a651002a9bc0
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - Non-Match.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 4 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Reading section 4: 075857-086145 - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - MATCH: 855054d3fadb33728a41d8c944d85188
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Non-Match.
Sector read error between sectors 44990 and 55278 inclusive.
Sector read error between sectors 394816 and 405104 inclusive.
Clean the disc and try again.

 DCdumper.exe dcdumper.exe f -c446261 -df -p4 

Handle acquired.
Load disc: Done.
Sector map created.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 1 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - MATCH: 40f0ba8ba8d2565a25b5bbdee4a80b18
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Non-Match.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 2 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - read error.
Fake read. Retry - read error.
Fake read. Retry - Non-Match.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 3 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Non-Match.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 4 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Non-Match.
Sector read error between sectors 394816 and 405104 inclusive.
Clean the disc and try again.

In suruga-ya have it at 1,800 円:

I love my XKey, my WODE and my 3Key.
Cerrar MegaUpload sólo es el comienzo de la censura, será el fin de la libertad.
Nada es verdad, todo está permitido.

1,258 2018-03-15 05:46:29

Does you always use '-p4'?

-p#     - Passes: Set maximum number of passes
          Min: 2  Max: 100  Default: 10

Did you use '-p5', '-p6' ... '-p100'?
And did you use '-t' and/or '-i'? (I don't know what this option means.)
Or did you change the value of '-c'?

1,259 2018-03-15 08:26:09

sarami wrote:

Does you always use '-p4'?

-p#     - Passes: Set maximum number of passes
          Min: 2  Max: 100  Default: 10

Did you use '-p5', '-p6' ... '-p100'?
And did you use '-t' and/or '-i'? (I don't know what this option means.)
Or did you change the value of '-c'?

I try uncont times and always get the error in the section 35.
And with the other disc, the same. I get the error in the same section 35.
Because of this, I thought it was a mastering error, and I want you to try with DIC.
Yesterday I bought a TS-H352C and TS-H192C to test it myself.

I love my XKey, my WODE and my 3Key.
Cerrar MegaUpload sólo es el comienzo de la censura, será el fin de la libertad.
Nada es verdad, todo está permitido.

1,260 2018-03-16 15:41:12

sarami can you please check this errors


logs http://www37.zippyshare.com/v/dEtaiYgM/file.html

1,261 2018-03-17 13:51:31 (edited by usurper 2018-03-17 13:51:53)

Sarami, could you please verify that the ISRC from Suffering, The (USA) (Disc 1) and Suffering, The (USA) (Disc 2) is correct? Subs and logs have been uploaded here and here.


1,262 2018-03-18 15:45:55

xTMODx wrote:

can you please check this errors

I've known this issue. It needs css authentication, I think.
Method 1:
1:play DVD for a few seconds with windows media player or vlc media player etc.
2:run DIC
Method 2:
run isobuster or imgburn etc.

usurper wrote:

could you please verify that the ISRC

Weird ISRC, but it's correct.

jhmiller wrote:

I try uncont times and always get the error in the section 35.
And with the other disc, the same. I get the error in the same section 35.

I'll get it in the near future.

1,263 2018-03-23 09:27:58

@sarami, the last 2 SecuROM sectors here were undetected: http://redump.org/disc/13204/

1,264 2018-03-24 20:41:01

http://forum.redump.org/post/59267/#p59267 -- any chance to add this disc type for offset autodetection? Somewhat similar to Jaguar CD.

1,265 2018-03-25 02:06:54 (edited by sarami 2018-03-25 16:09:24)

Jackal wrote:

the last 2 SecuROM sectors

- fixed: the range of SeruROM sectors.

F1ReB4LL wrote:

any chance to add this disc type for offset autodetection? Somewhat similar to Jaguar CD.

I'll buy "Karat PS-you Action Replay Higi Code" to test.


F1ReB4LL wrote:

As far as I understand, all our 'PSX-CDDA' dumps belong to the same family and the first track should start with "G.THORNTON". So far:

I bought "Karat PS-you Action Replay Higi Code CD Vol. 3" today and confirmed "G.THORNTON" in 1st track.
1st non-zero byte ("G.THORNTON") of 1st track: +1059
1st non-zero byte of 2nd track: +1049
1st non-zero byte of 3nd track: +1045
If "G.THORNTON" is based as the offset, some byte of 2nd track belong to 1st track and some byte of 3rd track belong to 2nd track. In short, dic needs to search the 1st non-zero byte of all track and adopt the smallest value, I think.

1,266 2018-03-28 23:41:01 (edited by jhmiller 2018-03-29 00:19:11)

I bought a reader TS-H352C (DELH, FW=DE02, Ver C, December 2005) to dump Dreamcast games.
This unit don't support C2, is OK dump DC games without c2 option ?

The command used: DiscImageCreator gd unit name.bin 8 /q

Death Crimson OX (T-23202M) - (I have 2 copies of this game):
Both of them fail at sector 534094.
Logs of the dump from disc 1: https://mega.nz/#!VEkRyabQ!Cy1M8Z01E6sL … ggFoNri46s
Logs of the dump from disc 2: https://mega.nz/#!kZdjSDbT!FAvOQVd54b1G … dtvDOAjPMY

Puzzle Bobble 4 (T-42301M) - (I have 2 copies of this game):
The dump seems correct from the "disc 1".
Logs of the dump from disc 1: https://mega.nz/#!8YtWSDgQ!9YHwWSCzUzTL … fAQe2j_H6E

Can you confirm this?

I love my XKey, my WODE and my 3Key.
Cerrar MegaUpload sólo es el comienzo de la censura, será el fin de la libertad.
Nada es verdad, todo está permitido.

1,267 2018-03-29 00:51:52

sarami wrote:

If "G.THORNTON" is based as the offset, some byte of 2nd track belong to 1st track and some byte of 3rd track belong to 2nd track. In short, dic needs to search the 1st non-zero byte of all track and adopt the smallest value, I think.

Disagree. For Saturn overlapping tracks are common, so we can't assume it doesn't happen here.

1,268 2018-03-29 09:11:51

So, you can provide subs now? smile

Sarami: I think it's better to generate the .cue variant as well. All the redump gdis are incorrect, anyway.
Also, scrambled image checksum isn't supported for GDs? T-42301M_disc.txt => only the descrambled image checksum there.

1,269 2018-03-30 04:49:55

jhmiller wrote:

This unit don't support C2, is OK dump DC games without c2 option ?

I also have same drive and same firmware, and it seems this drive doesn't support c2.
So, it's important to dump by the two supported drive. This is same for dcdumper. Because it also doesn't read c2.

jhmiller wrote:

Puzzle Bobble 4

I bought this. It takes 3-6 days to get it.

jhmiller wrote:

Can you confirm this?

As far as seeing the log, data sector is ok, but I can't verify the audio sectors because there isn't ecc/edc in these sectors.

jhmiller wrote:

Death Crimson OX

I haven't bought it yet.

F1ReB4LL wrote:

For Saturn overlapping tracks are common

I fixed my comment.
If "G.THORNTON" is based as the offset, some byte of 2nd track belong to the pregap of the 2nd track.

Maybe It's common for saturn, but I think it isn't common for other discs. The pregap area typically have all zero except for intentional data. e.g some CD-I discs or hidden track of some audio discs.
I don't think the program data of these discs exists in the pregap area. For saturn, I think it's unintentional that the program data exists in the pregap area.

To begin with, is it true that "G.THORNTON" is based as the offset? What are the reasons? Nobody can know how many offsets audio disc has originally.
If the data is shifted in the pregap area (or former/latter track) by the offset, it should be shifted out of this area like myst(demo) of atari jaguar cd.

F1ReB4LL wrote:

I think it's better to generate the .cue variant as well.

I'll code it in the future.

F1ReB4LL wrote:

Also, scrambled image checksum isn't supported for GDs?

Added in test version.

1,270 2018-03-30 07:48:49

sarami wrote:

Maybe It's common for saturn, but I think it isn't common for other discs.

Common for PC, Mega CD, FM-Towns, PC-98.

sarami wrote:

To begin with, is it true that "G.THORNTON" is based as the offset? What are the reasons? Nobody can know how many offsets audio disc has originally.

But it's not an audio CD, it's a program CD mastered/burned as audio. I see no reason to intentionally include empty data before "G.THORNTON".

sarami wrote:

I don't think the program data of these discs exists in the pregap area. For saturn, I think it's unintentional that the program data exists in the pregap area.

Let's wait for more dumps, then.

1,271 2018-03-31 08:27:01 (edited by Jackal 2018-03-31 08:48:14)

This disc had the first 2 LibCrypt sectors undetected: http://redump.org/disc/50247/

Logs: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ClsZ6 … 32TtOFAaxd

Maybe it's better to stop using prefixed ranges, and just not fix any subs in case /ns is used? because it happens a lot that some LibCrypt/SecuROM data goes undetected.

Or set a limit to how much corruption is fixed in each Q-channel sector. Now it fixed 4 bytes total, including 2 in CRC. I doubt that read corruption can occur on so many bytes at once, and also in both CRC bytes?

1,272 2018-03-31 13:52:01

Greatly changed the range.
libcrypt: 14200 - 16200 or 42000 - 44400 => 10000 - 20000 or 40000 - 50000
SecuROM OLD: 30800 - 34800 or 40000 - 45800 => 30000 - 50000
SeruROM NEW: 5000 - 20000 => 5000 - 25000

it's better to stop using prefixed ranges

It's verbose that all sector check.

just not fix any subs in case /ns is used?

If random error exists on the boundary of track, it can't split the img to bin correctly.

Or set a limit to how much corruption is fixed in each Q-channel sector. Now it fixed 4 bytes total, including 2 in CRC. I doubt that read corruption can occur on so many bytes at once, and also in both CRC bytes?

It may take a lot of time to code it and occur newly bugs. You and I don't want it.

1,273 2018-04-02 18:16:56

sarami, i came accross a weird behavior with /ns switch on this disc http://redump.org/disc/50400/

It affects subchannels, and ALL pregaps are by 1 frame shorter if /ns switch is NOT being used.

LOGS (available for 2 days)

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

1,274 2018-04-03 04:02:30

dic checks the subchannel offset by reading 1st LBA of the data track.
SecuROM 99 error version is judged that the offset is +1. ([00:02:01 - 00:02:00 = 1 frame)

LBA[000000, 0000000]: P[ff], Q[410101000000000002013813]{ Data,      Copy NG,                  Track[01], Idx[01], RMSF[00:00:00], AMSF[00:02:01]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]

If dic judges the subchannel offset exists in this drive and you don't use /ns switch, it reads from LBA -1.

LBA[000000, 0000000]: P[ff], Q[410100371045000002000793]{ Data,      Copy NG,                  Track[01], Idx[00], RMSF[37:10:45], AMSF[00:02:00]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]

If you use /ns switch and SecuROM 99 error version is detected, dic reads from LBA 0 (-1 + 1 = 0).

LBA[000000, 0000000]: P[ff], Q[410101000000000002013813]{ Data,      Copy NG,                  Track[01], Idx[01], RMSF[00:00:00], AMSF[00:02:01]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]

Therefore, if you don't use /ns switch, the boundary of the track is shifted by 1 frame. As a result, the size of track 01 increases 2352 and the pregap of track 02, 03... decreases 1 frame and the size of last track decreases 2352.

1,275 2018-04-03 13:14:39

Is that correct though?

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)