526 2014-11-09 23:39:13

pablogm123 wrote:

-For those corrupted sectors, replace everything except the sync and header fields with 0x55 bytes.

I coded that unreadable sector is replaced at 0x55.

Jackal wrote:

up to sector 359847

My PX-755 is same too.

527 2014-11-10 09:13:40

sarami wrote:
Jackal wrote:

up to sector 359847

My PX-755 is same too.

Could you please investigate this behavior? I'm not having any luck with audio trap disc + DIC, but without trap disc it always reads fine (up to sector 359847)... This LBA limit must be hardcoded somewhere.

528 2014-11-10 20:32:07

One other thought on this issue: maybe the Plextor reads the ATIP of the burned disc and limits the sector range to that. If you have 90min or 99min CDR you could try one of those, maybe they allow reading further.

Or burn a disc with GigaRec activated?

Another idea: PlexTools allows to disable detection of recordable media, maybe activating this option could circumvent this limit?

529 2014-11-10 21:09:26

Jackal wrote:
sarami wrote:
Jackal wrote:

up to sector 359847

My PX-755 is same too.

Could you please investigate this behavior? I'm not having any luck with audio trap disc + DIC, but without trap disc it always reads fine (up to sector 359847)... This LBA limit must be hardcoded somewhere.

I'm sorry but I don't know a lot about a hardware (including drive)...

530 2014-11-25 06:03:32

Updated DiscImageCreator
- added path table record, directory record to _infolog.txt
  => for searching specific file (RingPROTECH => PROTECT.PRO, SafeDisc v1 => 00000001.LT1 or 00000001.TMP)
- added /rc option
  => I don't test it enough because I have only one RingPROTECH disc and SafeDisc v1.
- changed beep sound

pablogm123 wrote:

-Analyze the data track passed as argument: [name of app].exe [name of data track].bin and determinate if according to the stored EDC/ECC sectors are OK.
-For those corrupted sectors, replace everything except the sync and header fields with 0x55 bytes.

Updated EdcEcc (This is included in DiscImageCreator test ver.)

531 2014-11-29 08:20:33

Updated EdcEcc (This is included in DiscImageCreator test ver.)
(tested SmartE protection disc)

532 2014-11-30 05:26:57 (edited by axisleon 2014-11-30 05:33:47)

DiscImageCreator new feature test for SafeDisc 2

Material: Game with SafeDisc 2.90.040

Drive: ASUS CRW-5224A (+6)(Overread Lead-In)
Tool: Alcohol 120% 1.9.6 (Build 4719), CloneCD

1. Use the drive which can backup SD2 2.9 successful(tested).

2. Dump via Alcohol and ClonCD, twice for each way.

3. All 4 files(.img and .mdf) hash matched with 575 errors and named it HGKT

Drive: Plextor PX-W4012TA 1.06(+98)(Overread Lead-In and Lead-Out)
Tool: DiscImageCreator TestVer.20141129 with new EdcEcc

1. Don't know add or not add the /rc parameter for new padding with 0x55 function on unread sectors, make both.

2. After dump twice without /rc got a dump with 575 errors but no padding 0x55(hex compare with HGKT), named it HGKT_cd.

3. Dump twice with /rc got a dump with padding 0x55 on unread sectors but 2030 errors, named it HGKT_rc.

Tool: Daemon Tools Lite Ver. Free Licensed

1. Mount them without any protect emulation.

2. All 3 can install from start to end.  >>  <a>

3. HGKT_rc can not launch.  >>  <b>

4. HGKT and HGKT_cd launch successful.  >>  <c>


<a>: Even HGKT_rc have 2030 errors but still can install complete.

<b>: Maybe additional 1455 errors are weak sectors but padding with 0x55. (/rc option failed)

<c>: HGKT_cd ok for detect unread sectors but not with 0x55 padding. (/cd option failed of non-following redump format)

533 2014-11-30 17:35:50 (edited by sarami 2014-11-30 17:37:00)

Thank's test.
I don't have safedisc v2 or higher now, so can't test these disc. Please wait.
Used /rc option, timeout val was set to '5' and exec EccEdc.exe fix command.
Without /rc option, timeout val was set to  '60' and exec EccEdc.exe check command.

I uploaded exe for the moment.
- changed: /rc option (added arg for timeout val. Default is 5)

534 2014-11-30 19:37:20

Cool advise.

I will try that, keep on going the awesome project.

535 2014-12-03 04:57:29

DiscImageCreator TestVer.20141201  Part.2

DiscImageCreatorT1201.exe cd h: HGKT_rc.bin 4 /rc 60

Error count 2320 with 0x55 padding, failed (unmatch CloneCD and Alcohol)

DiscImageCreatorT1201.exe cd h: HGKT_rc.bin 4 /rc 600

Error count 2320 with 0x55 padding, failed (unmatch CloneCD and Alcohol)

DiscImageCreatorT1201.exe cd h: HGKT_rc.bin 4 /rc 6000

Error count 2320 with 0x55 padding, failed (unmatch CloneCD and Alcohol)

DiscImageCreatorT1201.exe cd h: HGKT_rc.bin 1 /rc 6000

Error count 2320 with 0x55 padding, failed (unmatch CloneCD and Alcohol)

All 4 hash the same, also match the early version dump.

DiscImageCreatorT1201.exe cd h: HGKT_cd.bin 4 

Error count 575 with non-0x55 padding, failed (unmatch CloneCD and Alcohol)

Match the early version dump with same parameter.

536 2014-12-05 13:11:42


537 2014-12-06 04:43:46 (edited by axisleon 2014-12-06 04:45:30)

DiscImageCreator TestVer.20141205  Part.3

DiscImageCreatorT1205.exe cd h: HGKT_rc.bin 1 /rc 60

Error count 10035 with 0x55 padding, failed (unmatch CloneCD/Alcohol dump)

DiscImageCreatorT1205.exe cd h: HGKT_rc.bin 1 /rc 6000

Error count 10035 with 0x55 padding, failed (unmatch CloneCD/Alcohol dump)

Both are the same checksum, error count more than Part 2.

DiscImageCreatorT1205.exe cd h: HGKT_cd.bin 1 

Error count 575 with non-0x55 padding, failed (unmatch CloneCD/Alcohol dump)

Match the Part 1 and 2 dump with non /rc parameter. (the only way for good error detect)

538 2014-12-06 07:33:06

plz log.

539 2014-12-06 07:52:36

sarami wrote:

plz log.

Sorry, I deleted.

Which txt you need? Redump and upload later.

540 2014-12-06 14:15:07 (edited by sarami 2014-12-06 16:10:25)

infolog.txt, errorlog.txt, EdcEcc.txt
and, I'm sorry I didn't test without /c2 option. I confirmed error increased without /c2 option.

EDIT: Updated

541 2014-12-07 08:58:08

Hi. I tried to dump pirated SegaDC disc with such structure. I know it not redump stuff, but maybe it will be fixed.

                          Disc Status: Finalized Disc
                  Last Session Status: Complete Session
                             Erasable: No
                   First Track Number: 1
                   Number of Sessions: 2
             Last Session First Track: 2
              Last Session Last Track: 2
             Background Format Status: The disc is neither CD-RW nor DVD+RW
                            Dirty Bit: No
                Unrestricted Use Disc: No
                  Disc Bar Code Valid: No
                        Disc ID Valid: No
                            Disc Type: CD-ROM XA Disc
      Last Session Lead-in Start Time: 00:ff:ff:ff
    Last Possible Lead-out Start Time: 00:ff:ff:ff
                 Number of OPC Tables: 0
     Audio Track  1, LBA        0-   11699, Length    11700
      Data Track  2, LBA    11700-  355479, Length   343780
                                            Total    355480
    FirstCompleteSession: 1
     LastCompleteSession: 2
    Session 1, FirstTrack  1, Format: CD-DA or CD-ROM
    Session 1,  LastTrack  1
    Session 1,      Leadout, MSF 00:06:00 (LBA    450)
    Session 1,     Track  1, MSF 00:02:00 (LBA    150)
    Session 1,  NextSession, MSF 02:36:00 (LBA  11700)
         Outermost Lead-out, MSF 79:01:55 (LBA 355630)
    The number of different Mode-5 pointers present 02
    Session 1,  ATIP values, MSF 00:00:00
              First Lead-in, MSF 95:00:00 (LBA 427500)
    Session 2, FirstTrack  2, Format: CD-ROM-XA
    Session 2,  LastTrack  2
    Session 2,      Leadout, MSF 79:01:55 (LBA 355630)
    Session 2,     Track  2, MSF 02:38:00 (LBA  11850)

DiscImageCreator_20141206 crashed.
DiscImageCreator_20141017 crashed.
DiscImageCreator_20140110 ok with some minor fixes (size<ImgBurn example. All ok if do dump from DIC image).

Here logs:

Also any chances to add support for not plextor drives, at least as perfectrip.

542 2014-12-07 11:38:40

gaijin wrote:

Also any chances to add support for not plextor drives, at least as perfectrip.

It's not hardcoded for plextors, it just needs both overreads and 0xD8 reading command support. There are non-Plextor drives matching these criterias and they should work.

543 2014-12-07 13:55:58

gaijin wrote:

Here logs:

I couldn't download these.

File Blocked for Violation.
The file you requested has been blocked for a violation of our Terms of Service.
Still have questions, or think we've made a mistake? Please contact support for further assistance.
gaijin wrote:

Also any chances to add support for not plextor drives, at least as perfectrip.

As F1ReB4LL says.

544 2014-12-07 14:06:46 (edited by gaijin 2014-12-07 14:35:24)

Here sendspace - Logs

I know what there are others drives with support D8 and overreads. Why I am ask about support non-plextor drives, just want dump my translated (pirated) ps1 and dc games in "all-in-one program" for myself and not use my "hardearned" plextor drive for such things smile. Perfectrip good for it, but hangs on dc discs and has a small number of retries and error correction. Will work on the old-fashioned way - isobuster + eac smile

545 2014-12-07 18:14:27

gaijin wrote:

Here sendspace - Logs

Updated. But I didn't test, because I didn't have a disc such as your disc.

gaijin wrote:

Why I am ask about support non-plextor drives

Because I think that the only plextor can overread in and out, and support D8.

gaijin wrote:

I know what there are others drives with support D8 and overreads.

If so, please tell me these drive. I want to test it.

546 2014-12-07 18:33:48

sarami wrote:
gaijin wrote:

I know what there are others drives with support D8 and overreads.

If so, please tell me these drive. I want to test it.

Pioneer DR-U series drives, Pioneer DRM-602X, Pioneer DRM-624X; Toshiba XM 3401.
Probably (list taken from FAQ) these drives also:

The following drives can do digital audio extraction over the SCSI bus: 
Apple 300, 300i (Sony CDU-8003, CDU-8003A) 
Apple's "New" CD (Matsushita CR-8004) 
Chinon CDS-535 (note: needs v2.0 firmware "Q20" or "R20") 
NEC CDR 500, CDR 510, CDR 600 (MultiSpin 3x series) 
NEC CDR 400 (MultiSpin 3xp portable) 
NEC CDR 900 (MultiSpin 4x Pro quadruple speed) 
NEC CDR 84-1 (74-1) needs special new firmware upgrade from NEC 
Sony CDU-561 
Toshiba XM 3301TE (Silicon Graphics version) 
Toshiba XM 3401TA, XM 3401B 
Toshiba XM 3401TE (Silicon Graphics, and Sun versions) 
Toshiba XM 4101TA Toshiba XM 5301TA (Thanks to Al Brandt) 

The Hitachi 6750S might, if the rumors prove true

Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.01 readme says Nakamichi MBR-7 is "fully supported", so, maybe, this one also supports 0xD8, dunno.

547 2014-12-07 19:04:14 (edited by gaijin 2014-12-07 19:21:16)

Thanks for help me. Tested. Program not crashed, but do something in background forever or stuck on some process. Here test log.

F1ReB4LL, I think for me really to find plextor in my region than one of these smile And if I understand they SCSI and needed some adapter for modern system. Also one from Teac and Yamaha drives has support 0xD8.

548 2014-12-07 20:39:10

gaijin wrote:

Program not crashed, but do something in background forever or stuck on some process.

Fixed PathTableRecord, DirectoryRecord for MODE2 disc.

549 2014-12-07 21:53:01

sarami wrote:

Fixed PathTableRecord, DirectoryRecord for MODE2 disc.

Thanks, works fine.

550 2014-12-08 04:17:54 (edited by axisleon 2014-12-08 17:49:48)

DiscImageCreator TestVer.20141208  Final

DiscImageCreatorT1208.exe cd h: HGKT(Japan).bin 4 /rc 60

Error count 575 with 0x55 padding, match CloneCD/Alcohol dump.

HGKT(Japan) logs

Material: Game with SafeDisc 2.80.011


DiscImageCreatorT1208.exe cd h: LSMO(Japan).bin 4 /rc 60

Error count 599 with 0x55 padding, match CloneCD/Alcohol dump.

LSMO(Japan) logs

DiscImageCreator new feature test for SafeDisc 2

SafeDisc 2.90.040 
SafeDisc 2.80.011 

Next test WIP

Material: Multi-track Game with SafeDisc