3,376 2023-03-25 06:27:53 (edited by Foxhack 2023-03-25 06:28:28)

What is the command to dump an HD DVD? I tried using the program to dump one, but it closes after it gets the error shown here.

StartTime: 2023-03-24T22:44:53-0700
Set the drive speed: 22160KB/sec
[F:DVDGetRegion][L:472] GetLastError: 1, Incorrect function.

DiskSize of [F:\MPF_25-net48 [6a4b6d6 Stable]\ISO\300_HDDVD]
        Total:  2000397791232 bytes
         Used:  1859268304896 bytes
        Space:   141129486336 bytes
         => There is enough disk space for dumping

The wiki has the command line parameters for cd, bd and dvd, but not hddvd...

If you need to ask me about a submission, please send me a message through the VGPC Discord, I don't check the forum regularly so replies may be delayed.

3,377 2023-03-25 13:29:07

reentrant wrote:

After I applied fix above C2 rereading algorithm started to work

Thanks debugging and patching. I also confirrmed that your patch is working.

reentrant wrote:

Another thing is that it looks like single bit in C2 file should be treated as if there were 2 erroneous bytes in image file. Some bits are not reported in C2 file and 2 bytes are bad in image. It's weird.

Yes, it's known issue. For this reason, C2 error disc sometimes doesn't recover if the drive doesn't return C2.

reentrant wrote:

is the C2 file using combined offset?

I deleted it. https://github.com/saramibreak/DiscImag … b1da037109

3,378 2023-03-25 16:07:39 (edited by reentrant 2023-03-25 16:29:25)

Ok, but how to explain the following:
- That I had to shift data sector by 40 bytes to match c2 pointers?
- That C2 file size is not 8 times smaller than SCM file (C2 = 91568946 / SCM = 732549216)? It looks like C2 doesn't contain pointers from single sector, last one?

3,379 2023-03-25 19:02:47 (edited by Foxhack 2023-03-25 19:03:15)

sarami, DIC does not let me dump an HD DVD disc using a Toshiba TS-L802A drive (this is an HD DVD drive for laptops that connects via slim IDE.) I plugged it into a USB laptop drive adapter, and it can read discs fine, but it won't let me dump an HDDVD because it shows me that error above ([F:DVDGetRegion][L:472] GetLastError: 1, Incorrect function.)

Is there anything I can do? I just want to dump my discs.

If you need to ask me about a submission, please send me a message through the VGPC Discord, I don't check the forum regularly so replies may be delayed.

3,380 2023-03-26 09:32:43

reentrant wrote:

Ok, but how to explain the following:

For this issue?  https://github.com/saramibreak/DiscImag … issues/154

Foxhack wrote:

it won't let me dump an HDDVD because it shows me that error above ([F:DVDGetRegion][L:472] GetLastError: 1, Incorrect function.)

I tried to dump HDDVD using GGW-H20N and it's no problem. Its error is not related.

3,381 2023-03-26 11:29:09 (edited by reentrant 2023-03-26 11:34:22)

sarami, I checked this topic and noticed one thing:

"It does seem that the .c2 file includes the missing sector now. Ideally it would be great if DIC would output 'corrected' .c2/log files that reflect the locations in the scm. That means a version of the .c2 with combined offset, additional offset (if present for certain drives), and reported c2 ofs."

Small progress: I think that these numbers (ofs):

                 ofs: 3e2, 3e3, 3f2, 3f3, 41d, 4aa, 4ab, 4b0, 4b1, 4d5, 562, 563, 568, 569, 620, 621, 630, 631, 
 LBA[080785], LBA translation to SCM address in hex[0xb534430], LBA in C2 file[0x16a6886] Detected C2 error 18 bit
LBA[080785, 0x13b91]: crc32[078]: 0xba9f0657 good. Rewrote .scm[190006288-190008639(b534410-b534d3f)] .c2[23750790-23751083(16a6886-16a69ab)]

Should be interpreted as being shifted by combined offset if you try to match these pointers to specific sector in SCM.

In my example dump I had to shift data by 40 bytes but combined offset is 8 samples = 32bytes. It's still a question why I had to shift data by additional 8 bytes (2 samples). I have a feeling that not all Plextors 760 have equal C2 offset...

3,382 2023-03-26 12:50:19

reentrant wrote:

Should be interpreted as being shifted by combined offset if you try to match these pointers to specific sector in SCM.

It's easy to add the combined offset value to "ofs: xxx".
ofs: 3e2 + 0x20, 3e3 + 0x20, ...

But if it also applies to .c2 file, it needs to be shfted to right by 0x20 bits. It's very complicated.

reentrant wrote:

It's still a question why I had to shift data by additional 8 bytes (2 samples). I have a feeling that not all Plextors 760 have equal C2 offset...

I have no idea. If you have other 760 drive, you can try it.

3,383 2023-03-26 14:50:40 (edited by reentrant 2023-03-26 15:00:44)

"It's easy to add the combined offset value to "ofs: xxx"."

Could you add such line to c2 log file (with offset corrected c2 pointers - "ofs corrected:")? It's tricky because you already print offset corrected base of sector in SCM file.

Just found a nice info from ehw about c2 offset correction (https://github.com/saramibreak/DiscImag … issues/154):


It's actually what I see - 8 bytes difference! I think that without taking into account that additional offset value c2 rereading algorithm is not correct. Plz could you also implement this - it's so close to have a perfect c2 rereading algorithm smile

3,384 2023-03-26 16:33:43

sarami wrote:

I tried to dump HDDVD using GGW-H20N and it's no problem. Its error is not related.

... so is there anything I can do to see why this error is happening? It's clearly doing something DIC doesn't like, and I don't know how to send you that information so it can be fixed.

If you need to ask me about a submission, please send me a message through the VGPC Discord, I don't check the forum regularly so replies may be delayed.

3,385 2023-03-26 19:06:02

reentrant wrote:

It's actually what I see - 8 bytes difference! I think that without taking into account that additional offset value c2 rereading algorithm is not correct. Plz could you also implement this - it's so close to have a perfect c2 rereading algorithm smile

8 bytes difference --- It's 1 byte (8 bits) for .c2 file. then at that time, I understood "Additional Offset" that ehw says is "PX-712 or newer drive have 295 byte offsets, not 294".

Foxhack wrote:

why this error is happening?

Merely HDDVD drive doesn't support DVDGetRegion. Same error occurs for my GGW-H20N.
Btw, other application (e.g. isobuster) can dump your disc? How many HDDVD do you have? All HDDVD you have can't be dumped?

3,386 2023-03-26 21:42:29

Ok. I think I know where's the problem = confusion. Arguments to function "ContainsC2Error" look correct but this not 1:1 correlated to arguments to "WriteC2". In other words to have a perfect C2 file arguments to WriteC2 function has to be modified too in the same manner.

Btw, this line of code:

else {
    bRet = ContainsC2Error(pDevice, 0, CD_RAW_READ_C2_294_SIZE, lpNextBuf, &pDiscPerSector->uiC2errorNum, nLBA, FALSE);}

I think when you specify "lpNextBuf" you assume 294 C2 offset but what for drives that have 0 C2 offset?

Maybe it should be like that:

if(Plextor712+) {assume 295 offset);}
else if(Plextor) {assume 294 offset);}
else {assume 0 offset);}

3,387 2023-03-27 04:24:36 (edited by sarami 2023-03-27 06:02:15)

reentrant wrote:

I think when you specify "lpNextBuf" you assume 294 C2 offset but what for drives that have 0 C2 offset?

Maybe it should be like that:

I've not confirmed the c2 offset of the non-plextor drive, but I'll add it.

https://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l … st.7z/file

3,388 2023-03-27 07:07:24 (edited by reentrant 2023-03-27 07:17:28)

Thx. Btw, could you also add command line parameter for setting c2 offset value (if there's no value assume 0)?

3,389 2023-03-27 07:29:37

sarami wrote:

Merely HDDVD drive doesn't support DVDGetRegion. Same error occurs for my GGW-H20N.
Btw, other application (e.g. isobuster) can dump your disc? How many HDDVD do you have? All HDDVD you have can't be dumped?

I tried using Aaru to dump the disc, but the drive overheated after some time, and shut off. I thought the drive was completely dead, but it started working again after I let it rest.

Isobuster said I could dump the disc, but it wouldn't be sure if it'd work due to encryption.

The disc was 300 (so you know, one of the rotting discs.) but it was still kinda working, so I wanted to see if I could dump it. I haven't tried any of my other discs.

If you need to ask me about a submission, please send me a message through the VGPC Discord, I don't check the forum regularly so replies may be delayed.

3,390 2023-03-27 17:17:27

reentrant wrote:

Thx. Btw, could you also add command line parameter for setting c2 offset value (if there's no value assume 0)?

https://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l … st.7z/file
2nd value of /c2 is the c2 offset

3,391 2023-03-27 18:31:56

Super cool, thx.

3,392 2023-04-01 08:05:58

https://github.com/saramibreak/DiscImag … g/20230401
- added: Track[0] to _SubReadable.txt
- added: (Track 0), (Track 1)(-LBA), (Track AA), (Track all) when audio CD is dumped
- added: get non-zero byte position (1st and last) of the each track to the _disc.txt
- added: SIZE_OF_ARRAY macro
- deleted: /vrfy option and related code
- fixed: universal hash (changed sample base, not byte)
- fixed: the range of the SubQ check
- fixed: and improved C2 error recovering

3,393 2023-04-07 12:37:54

One disc returns me "Failed to analyze sub-channel" after dumping it on sectors with SCSI errors, the problem is only with this disc. Is it caused by disc corruption or something else? I even checked with the /s 2 option
https://mega.nz/file/M2pXxIDD#ghHUnlIjt … 0hJ8ieZiAU

3,394 2023-04-07 15:13:18

I am attaching the rest of the logs
https://mega.nz/file/hiQ1RSAa#8whKJAZcy … t0WI3LU8t8

3,395 2023-04-08 12:10:04

I've also included a CloneCD sub if that helps
https://mega.nz/file/Rr4SmKzJ#7StTQ2_82 … SyLo07HNZg

3,396 2023-04-08 14:19:52

MrPepka wrote:

dumping it on sectors with SCSI errors

Disc can't be dumped due to this problem. I recommend this disc is polished.

3,397 2023-04-11 18:54:20

I have a disc that's probably completely ruined for ripping perfectly, but I'm trying to get off what I can. DIC has generated an scm file but after doing that seems to just quit without any more info. Is there any way I can force it to unscramble what I have?

3,398 2023-05-05 22:34:49 (edited by withered.silence 2023-05-05 22:49:30)

I'm trying to create a dump for a Playstation 1 game with a PX-712A and the process seems to hit these kinds of errors:

[INFO] This drive has 295 offset in the c2. Changed to /s 2.
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-in -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track)  1/ 1
Checking SubRtoW (Track)  1/ 1
Checking Pregap sync, msf, mode (LBA)  -2311
Scanning sector for anti-mod string (LBA)  72425/233476[F:ReadCDForScanningPsxAntiMod][L:2620] GetLastError: 121, Das Zeitlimit f³r die Semaphore wurde erreicht.

Please wait for 25000 milliseconds until the device is returned
lpCmd: a8, 00, 00, 01, 1a, ea, 00, 00, 00, 02, 00, 00
dwBufSize: 4096
[F:ReadVolumeDescriptor][L:669] GetLastError: 55, Die angegebene Netzwerkressource bzw. das angegebene Gerõt ist nicht mehr verf³gbar.

Please wait for 25000 milliseconds until the device is returned
lpCmd: a8, 00, 00, 00, 00, 10, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00
dwBufSize: 2048
[F:ReadCDForFileSystem][L:833] GetLastError: 55, Die angegebene Netzwerkressource bzw. das angegebene Gerõt ist nicht mehr verf³gbar.

Please wait for 25000 milliseconds until the device is returned

Am I doing something obviously wrong here?

Edit: Tried it with another PS1 game and it fails in a similar fashion.

3,399 2023-05-05 23:04:52

withered.silence wrote:

I'm trying to create a dump for a Playstation 1 game with a PX-712A and the process seems to hit these kinds of errors:

[INFO] This drive has 295 offset in the c2. Changed to /s 2.
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-in -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track)  1/ 1
Checking SubRtoW (Track)  1/ 1
Checking Pregap sync, msf, mode (LBA)  -2311
Scanning sector for anti-mod string (LBA)  72425/233476[F:ReadCDForScanningPsxAntiMod][L:2620] GetLastError: 121, Das Zeitlimit f³r die Semaphore wurde erreicht.

Please wait for 25000 milliseconds until the device is returned
lpCmd: a8, 00, 00, 01, 1a, ea, 00, 00, 00, 02, 00, 00
dwBufSize: 4096
[F:ReadVolumeDescriptor][L:669] GetLastError: 55, Die angegebene Netzwerkressource bzw. das angegebene Gerõt ist nicht mehr verf³gbar.

Please wait for 25000 milliseconds until the device is returned
lpCmd: a8, 00, 00, 00, 00, 10, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00
dwBufSize: 2048
[F:ReadCDForFileSystem][L:833] GetLastError: 55, Die angegebene Netzwerkressource bzw. das angegebene Gerõt ist nicht mehr verf³gbar.

Please wait for 25000 milliseconds until the device is returned

Am I doing something obviously wrong here?

Edit: Tried it with another PS1 game and it fails in a similar fashion.

Use redumper smile

3,400 2023-05-06 00:12:12

superg wrote:

Use redumper smile

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm supposed to follow this guide, right? I'm trying to supply a missing PS1 dump and it seems there are certain requirements for this.