226 2013-11-09 06:22:27

F1ReB4LL what disc is that? You know there can be no C2 error but still be intentional header/EDC/ECC errors right? (some psx disc for example with last sector of data track)...

Anyways, better make it so DIC can handle absolute worst case scenario for errors, I guess with some GC disc this is gonna be like 450000-500000 sectors? Maybe you should go back to using files for C2 to avoid excessive ram allocation, or make it sliding window.

Disc I have was having > 80000 error (worst case test).

Someone reported that multiple data tracks weren't dumping proper... seems to work fine for me (D!Zone 3).

Are there hard coded fixes for certain discs in the code? Somebody said there was. I hope you didn't do that, if there is please remove such things and implement proper fixes for them. We do have a couple of other coders you could talk to.

Plextor PX-760A 1.07 (+30) : Plextor PX-716SA 1.11 (+30) : Plextor PX-W5224A 1.04 (+30) : Plextor PX-W4824 1.07 (+30) : Plextor PX-W4012TA 1.07 (+98) : Plextor PX-W1610TA (+99) : Plextor PX-W1210TA 1.10 (+99) : Lite-On LTR-48246S (+6) : Lite-On LTR-52246S (+6) : Lite-On LH-20A1H LL0DN (+6) : BenQ DW1655 BCIB (+618) : ASUS DRW-2014L1 1.02 (+6) : Yamaha CRW-F1 (+733) : Optiarc SA-7290H5 1H44 (+48) : ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.02 (+6)

227 2013-11-09 11:50:46

fix C2 option

                c2: Fix C2 error existing sector (Only CD)
                        val1: value to reread (default: 1024)
                        val2: value to fix a C2 error (default: 65535)

And USB drives (mines are actually ATAPI attached to a ATA/SATA to USB adapter) work properly

umm.. I don't fix about this.

reported all the errors were fixed, but cdmage shows 2 errors in the data track. There's a bug in c2 reporting/fixing somewhere.

Depending on a drive, it's possible that it don't report C2 error exactly.
Therefore, in this tool, multiple read a non C2 error sector (at present 2 times)
If necessary, I can change a reading times.

228 2013-11-09 16:06:06 (edited by pablogm123 2013-11-09 16:06:40)

More suggestions:

Get exclusive access to the drive when ripping (like many burning programs do when burning), so that another programs cannot disturb the drive and the re-reads.


The possibility to set different read speeds for the initial read and the readings. For example, initial read at 24x speed and re-reads at 4x speed.


Rewrite the -ra module so this tool can act as a CDTool replacement to dump as audio (D8 or audio trap disc) any range that the user desires with subcode and C2 error reporting (outputting both as .sub and .c2e files), adding the possibility to correct the offset (with the possibility to override the standard one). This module should support Plextor and non-Plextor drives and could be useful to dump the high density of DC games.

If a Plextor drive is used, D8 command and order is Main+C2+Sub.

If a non-Plextor drive is used, BE command and autodetect if the drive uses Main+C2+Sub (NEC based for example) or Main+Sub+C2 (Mediatek bases for example).

For example, to dump this disc http://redump.org/disc/5626/ using my PX-W4824TU after hot swapping, something like this one:

discimagecreator.exe -ra h: 8 add +13 45000 549150

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229 2013-11-09 17:01:27

sarami wrote:

Depending on a drive, it's possible that it don't report C2 error exactly.

Mine is PX-760.

230 2013-11-09 18:07:43 (edited by pablogm123 2013-11-09 18:08:40)

I strongly doubt that PX-755/760 drives sport inaccurate C2 error reporting:

The UltraPlex PX-40TS returns reliable C2 information but can only report when a C2 error occured in a frame, not where. Reliable C2 information is a must. Without it, PlexTools cannot approach EAC's accuracy. The recent Plextor drives starting from model 12/10/32 have balls on accurate C2 information and form a very powerful pair combined with PlexTools. Plextor recoders (not cd-roms!) before model 12/10/32 have rather inaccurate C2 information.


In fact, it's possible that these drives prefer stay on the safe side and mark good bytes as bad bytes.

It's a natural property of RS codes that the more bytes you try to correct,
the more likely you can get miscorrections, so the (x,4) strategies should get
lower scores at C2 accuracy tests. However, these tests should also take
into account bytes that are correct but are flagged as wrong, as there are
also several strategies there, and of course the more bytes you flag as
wrong, the easier you can reach a high score.

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231 2013-11-10 23:05:56

Today I get another weird error

Descrambling data sector of img(LBA) 320662/320662
Creating bin, cue, ccd(Track)  1/ 2[F:CreatingBinCueCcd][L:980] GetLastError: 8,
 Not enough storage is available to process this command.

Creating bin, cue, ccd(Track)  2/ 2
End -> 2013-11-10(Sun) 14:58:10

There is 114GB free on the drive.

Plextor PX-760A 1.07 (+30) : Plextor PX-716SA 1.11 (+30) : Plextor PX-W5224A 1.04 (+30) : Plextor PX-W4824 1.07 (+30) : Plextor PX-W4012TA 1.07 (+98) : Plextor PX-W1610TA (+99) : Plextor PX-W1210TA 1.10 (+99) : Lite-On LTR-48246S (+6) : Lite-On LTR-52246S (+6) : Lite-On LH-20A1H LL0DN (+6) : BenQ DW1655 BCIB (+618) : ASUS DRW-2014L1 1.02 (+6) : Yamaha CRW-F1 (+733) : Optiarc SA-7290H5 1H44 (+48) : ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.02 (+6)

232 2013-11-12 08:21:42

GetLastError: 8

"storage" is not hard disc but memory.

233 2013-11-12 10:27:16

ok but I had like 5GB free memory at the time... weird =]

Plextor PX-760A 1.07 (+30) : Plextor PX-716SA 1.11 (+30) : Plextor PX-W5224A 1.04 (+30) : Plextor PX-W4824 1.07 (+30) : Plextor PX-W4012TA 1.07 (+98) : Plextor PX-W1610TA (+99) : Plextor PX-W1210TA 1.10 (+99) : Lite-On LTR-48246S (+6) : Lite-On LTR-52246S (+6) : Lite-On LH-20A1H LL0DN (+6) : BenQ DW1655 BCIB (+618) : ASUS DRW-2014L1 1.02 (+6) : Yamaha CRW-F1 (+733) : Optiarc SA-7290H5 1H44 (+48) : ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.02 (+6)

234 2013-11-13 05:46:33


The possibility to set different read speeds for the initial read and the readings. For example, initial read at 24x speed and re-reads at 4x speed.

I coded it. c2 option val3.

Rewrite the -ra module so this tool can act as a CDTool replacement to dump as audio (D8 or audio trap disc) any range that the user desires with subcode and C2 error reporting (outputting both as .sub and .c2e files), adding the possibility to correct the offset (with the possibility to override the standard one). This module should support Plextor and non-Plextor drives and could be useful to dump the high density of DC games.
If a Plextor drive is used, D8 command and order is Main+C2+Sub.

improved ripping GD-ROM
  added "-rgd" command for HD area (integrated "-ra", "-dec", "-split")
  c2 error option don't test. (Because my drive(TS-H352C) don't support C2 error report.)

If a non-Plextor drive is used, BE command and autodetect if the drive uses Main+C2+Sub (NEC based for example) or Main+Sub+C2 (Mediatek bases for example).

I don't support it yet.

235 2013-11-13 14:04:18

Tested successfully to dump a new PS1 disc in pristine condition (so no C2 error expected). discimagecreator.exe -rall g: 8 "Die Hard Trilogy (Japan).bin" c2 750 4096 8

One suggestion regarding USB/IEEE-1394 drives: it seems that these drives sometimes require more or less 8 KB or lower transfers so that they can work OK, specially when C2 error reporting is enabled. You could add an option to limit the transfers to a maximum of 3 sectors for compatibility reasons: (2352 bytes +294 bytes +96 bytes)*3 = 8226 bytes.

val2: value to fix a C2 error (default: 65535): a little exaggerated and overkill as default value to dump discs with no errors or just a few of errors, even that can crash the app when splitting the dumped track. As default value 16384/32768 would be more reasonable values.

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236 2013-11-14 19:46:03


If a non-Plextor drive is used, BE command and autodetect if the drive uses Main+C2+Sub (NEC based for example) or Main+Sub+C2 (Mediatek bases for example).

coded it.

val2: value to fix a C2 error (default: 65535)

fixed at 32768

237 2013-11-14 23:16:19

C2 support doesn't work OK for the new option to dump Dreamcast discs, drive used is a PX-W4824TU (which is supported correctly by DIC currently), the very best drive I own to dump Dreamcast games combined with an old Samsung 10x CD-RW as audio trap disc. DIC just aborts the read process silently, no error reported.

D:\Redump\DIC>discimagecreator.exe -rgd g: 8 HD.bin c2 750 4096 8
        MajorVersion: 5, MinorVersion: 2, BuildNumber: 3790
        x86, Ansi build
        Nov 15 2013 03:38:00
Current dir
Input File Name
         path: HD.bin
        fname: HD
          ext: .bin
Start -> 2013-11-14(Thu) 22:40:16
Allocating memory for C2 error: 4096/4096


Without C2 error reporting enable the dump is fine (matched hashes) and write offset of high density zone properly autodetected. A minor bug: the dumped subcode contains an extra frame from the pregap of track 3.

Offset(Drive offset data referes to http://www.accuraterip.com)
     Combined Offset(Byte)   -736, (Samples)  -184
    -   Drive Offset(Byte)    392, (Samples)    98
           CD Offset(Byte)  -1128, (Samples)  -282
    Need overread sector: -1

Disc used to test:


Logs and subcode dumped: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sna8w046qu3uaxq/23397.7z

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238 2013-11-15 18:29:01


pablogm123 wrote:

C2 support doesn't work OK for the new option to dump Dreamcast discs

probably fixed it. (I can't test.)

pablogm123 wrote:

A minor bug: the dumped subcode contains an extra frame from the pregap of track 3.

fixed it.

pablogm123 wrote:

regarding USB/IEEE-1394 drives

I'll consider it

239 2013-11-15 19:27:53

I've been using a Plextor drive on a USB enclosure forever and haven't had an issue until recently.  I had to tweak the default memory for c2 from 65535 to 1024.  Haven't tried a higher value than that, but most of the disc I dump don't need c2 error correction.  Usually, when they have c2 issues, it just goes on forever without actually fixing anything.  I just stick to good discs, lol.

But yea, that was more of a memory problem than USB limitation I guess.

My system:
Win 7 64bit
4gb RAM

240 2013-11-15 22:25:17 (edited by pablogm123 2013-11-15 22:28:47)

C2 switch for GD-ROM ripping does work now, but unfortunately the dumped .sub is invalid (contains non-sense data). Without C2 switch the .sub is valid and the extra frame is no longer present. Anyway, the actual dump (with/without C2 error reporting) matches the expected.

Logs and subs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qruxbz9hdwe0s … No%20C2.7z

My current wishlist:

-An option (for the -rall and -rgd modes) so that the C2 pointers are used only for purely informative purporses, without absolutely re-reads, like the old PerfectRip does. I mean the program will read and dump into a .c2/.c2e file the raw C2 pointers provided by the drive, but won't re-read anything marked as bad by the C2 pointers. This way I will know if a rip is good (no further action required) or bad: to resurface and clean the CD until getting 0 C2 errors, to try another drive, to try another read speeds or simply replace the CD if nothing works to get a flawless dump without re-reads. Of course, the log file should report if the dump was flawless or not flawless.

-The suggestion posted above applied to the -ra mode as well. And I would like that you could implement offset correction for the -ra mode: it would apply, as default option, the standard one defined by the AccurateRip database plus the possibilty of override it via the add parameter implemented in the -rall mode.

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241 2013-11-17 02:41:39 (edited by sarami 2013-11-20 13:20:59)

pablogm123 wrote:

My current wishlist:

-An option (for the -rall and -rgd modes) so that the C2 pointers are used only for purely informative purporses, without absolutely re-reads, like the old PerfectRip does. I mean the program will read and dump into a .c2/.c2e file the raw C2 pointers provided by the drive, but won't re-read anything marked as bad by the C2 pointers. This way I will know if a rip is good (no further action required) or bad: to resurface and clean the CD until getting 0 C2 errors, to try another drive, to try another read speeds or simply replace the CD if nothing works to get a flawless dump without re-reads. Of course, the log file should report if the dump was flawless or not flawless.

-The suggestion posted above applied to the -ra mode as well. And I would like that you could implement offset correction for the -ra mode: it would apply, as default option, the standard one defined by the AccurateRip database plus the possibilty of override it via the add parameter implemented in the -rall mode.


By the way, do you know the offset of the C2 error in detail?
In case of perfectrip, it can set "c2 read offset correction bit(s)"

242 2013-11-17 03:07:25

The same one for main channel / 8, because there are 2352 bytes for main channel and 294 bytes (one bit per byte of main channel) for C2 pointers. And this way will proceed PF if you enter 0 as c2 read offset correction bit(s).

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243 2013-11-20 13:32:45

C2 switch for GD-ROM ripping does work now, but unfortunately the dumped .sub is invalid (contains non-sense data). Without C2 switch the .sub is valid and the extra frame is no longer present. Anyway, the actual dump (with/without C2 error reporting) matches the expected.


The same one for main channel / 8, because there are 2352 bytes for main channel and 294 bytes (one bit per byte of main channel) for C2 pointers. And this way will proceed PF if you enter 0 as c2 read offset correction bit(s).

In case of Plextor drive, how many is the values of c2 read offset correction bit(s)?

244 2013-11-20 15:30:00

The read offset you are applying in bytes for that dump in bits.

To dump a CDDA disc, standard offset correction for a +30 Plextor drive:

+30 samples / +120 bytes --> 120 bits.

To dump a Saturn game, +18 write offset and +30 Plextor drive:

+48 samples / 192 bytes --> 192 bits.

To dump the Tenbu Mini Audio CD, add 13 and +30 Plextor drive:

+43 samples / 172 bytes --> 172 bits.

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245 2013-11-21 06:44:25

Thank you.
And, in case of Plextor drive, is c2 bit order (msb points to 1st byte of main) or (lsb points to 1st byte of main) ?

246 2013-11-21 18:15:01 (edited by pablogm123 2013-11-21 18:18:58)

As far I have tested, only Ricoh based drives (+97 read offse, like the Aopen CD-RW CRW5232 I owned in the past) use lsb points to 1st byte of main.

Msb points to 1st byte of main then.

That option works like the -c2flip switch, only for very few drives, of ANALYZE.EXE by the creator of EAC:

http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/en/index.p … e-quality/

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247 2013-11-21 18:49:04


it seems that DiscImageCreator doesn't detect PregapMode (ccd value) and always sets it to '0', even though many discs have a different value there.. PSX discs need PregapMode 2.. can you fix it so that the correct PregapMode is obtained from the disc?

248 2013-11-22 11:53:28 (edited by sarami 2013-11-22 15:07:37)

it seems that DiscImageCreator doesn't detect PregapMode (ccd value) and always sets it to '0', even though many discs have a different value there..

I have recognized it and want to fix it. But I don't know about "PregapMode" and "PregapSubC", "DataTracksScrambled" in detail. Therefore, I always sets it to '0'.

249 2013-11-22 15:05:07

PreGapMode is what mode the sectors on the disc are. 0 1 or 2.

Plextor PX-760A 1.07 (+30) : Plextor PX-716SA 1.11 (+30) : Plextor PX-W5224A 1.04 (+30) : Plextor PX-W4824 1.07 (+30) : Plextor PX-W4012TA 1.07 (+98) : Plextor PX-W1610TA (+99) : Plextor PX-W1210TA 1.10 (+99) : Lite-On LTR-48246S (+6) : Lite-On LTR-52246S (+6) : Lite-On LH-20A1H LL0DN (+6) : BenQ DW1655 BCIB (+618) : ASUS DRW-2014L1 1.02 (+6) : Yamaha CRW-F1 (+733) : Optiarc SA-7290H5 1H44 (+48) : ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.02 (+6)

250 2013-11-23 20:07:28 (edited by sarami 2013-11-24 16:40:26)

Fixed PreGapMode and uploaded 1124 ver. for the present.

EDIT: fixed link